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2004-11-01 00:44:04
Hi there!

It seems that the script of the game has a serious problem - in tha last days a IE4 is cheating all the time.  He's online with many browsers at the same time alway playing to let IE4 win.  Afterwards the browsers he uses disappear in the list of active browsers.  Maybe he's using the same browser and is switching it's identity all the time...

Well, I think it would be a good idea to change the game so you'll have to log in with a name and password to play it - another thing is to try to get the real IP of the player via JavaScript to stop all that cheating... - any ideas on how to do that?
Stephen Brooks
2004-11-05 15:12:18
I already use the IP, so I suppose this person must be spoofing that as well as their browser ID.
2004-11-15 16:00:56
I tried earlies to play with two browsers and it doesn't work (unless you're playing on seperate boards with the different browsers).  I'm sure you could cheat simply by playing stupid as a browser you hate when another is playing with a browser you like.  It's all just fun and games though.
2004-11-15 18:54:24
I think I was the other Opera7. Roflcopters.

I was playing with a friend of mine though, and he didn't do so well against me (read: he made it look like I rigged it, which I didn't).  Ah wells.
2006-02-10 04:41:41
I do use OPERA and i like it to win.
How to do?  simple !

OPERA goes to directly to website, in parallel i run IE over a proxy on the same website.  The script will think it's 2 different users since the ip's are different.

Would be EZ to have 4 different browsers in the game using 3 proxies.

How to stop that cheat?  I dont know !
2006-02-10 10:29:11
Originally posted by LonlyLooser:
I do use OPERA and i like it to win.
How to do?  simple !

OPERA goes to directly to website, in parallel i run IE over a proxy on the same website.  The script will think it's 2 different users since the ip's are different.

Would be EZ to have 4 different browsers in the game using 3 proxies.

How to stop that cheat?  I dont know ! 
I hope you die.  Perhaps the time has come to filter IP address that abuse this wonderful game.
2006-02-18 19:07:02
It appears that somebody has taken it to the next level, with some sort of program that automatically refreshes the boards and places the moves automatically.  I mean, really, how else would it be possible to play within 2 seconds after you moved, and at all hours of the day too!  2 seconds!  Random boards too.  I won't name browsers, but it's pretty obivious from looking.
2006-02-18 19:25:01
My apoligies, it just appears to be a meth addict who's been up four days straight.  Figures that he would be using IE.
2006-08-23 12:57:12
Either Mozilla Users are plain stupid, or someone continously tries to let firefox win.  FF must be really lame, they're the majority but still cant win, whout cheating. 
Must be the communistic attitude of open source...
2006-08-23 14:38:52
Switching proxies just to win is lame.  I'm stuck on transparent proxies which I can change between 9 of them very easily but I don't change them for this as it keeps the game play fair.
Stephen Brooks
2006-09-07 10:52:51
Yes, there's not much I can do against determined cheaters as they could for instance play on two different computers with different IPs.  Most of them get bored of it after a short while though.
2012-04-10 14:31:38
Funny reading this from nearly 6 years ago. 
Now it seems as if all the normal players have been bored away and there's only one person left, playing against itself at a leisurely pace.  No special setup or proxy needed to cheat, just absence of real players, and a very strange patience and determination.

Maybe this game's time is finally up. 
Or maybe you could revive it: make an app for mobile devices?
(I know you can use the browser on your phone to call up this game, but people seem to think "App" is a magic word...)
Stephen Brooks
2012-04-10 14:57:47
Some days it's busier than others - seems to be quite quiet at the moment.

This might work as a mobile app but all it would be doing is displaying parts of the webpage.  I don't think it's worth learning two new platforms (Android and iOS) and then paying the iOS fees to get this onto phones!

One day I do want to try other games than connect 4, though (minesweeper?  some weird Go variant?).  But who knows when I'll get around to that.
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