stephenbrooks.orgGamesBrowser Wars

Browser Wars

The issue of which web browser is the "best" has caused some quite heated arguments in the last few decades.  This page attempts to settle this once and for all, in the time-honoured tradition of holding a Connect-Four tournament.
Choose one of the eight boards and then click on the arrows to insert your symbol into the columns below (it will fall to the bottom of that column).  The objective is to get four of your browser symbols in a row before anyone else does.  Hit the refresh button occasionally after you've played to see if anyone with a different browser is playing at the same time, or, if not, come back a while later.
The current total scores are available as a tab-separated data file at
You can also chat with other players in the Browser Wars Forum.  Think you've got a new browser?  Report its ID string on the forum.

Present within the last 10 minutes:   chrom,index,2   chrom,11,7,1,9,12,2,3,8,4,6   chrom,index,4,11,7,1,3,12,10   chrom,12,7,index,5,1,2,3,6   chrom,12   chrom,6   chrom,10   chrom,4,index,5   firef,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   firef,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   chrom,1   chrom,10   firef,10   chrom,10   chrom,10   chrom,10   safar,10   firef,10   firef,10   chrom,index,8,3,7,1   firef,10   chrom,10   chrom,10   firef,10   firef,10   chrom,11   chrom,11   chrom,11   chrom,11   firef,11   firef,11   firef,11   chrom,11   firef,11   chrom,11   chrom,11   chrom,12   chrom,12   chrom,12   chrom,12   firef,12   unkno,index

Your name:
[green]   Board 1   1.7 days
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[green]   Board 2   2.1 days
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[green]   Board 3   3.5 days
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[green]   Board 4   2.0 days
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[green]   Board 5   4.6 days
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[green]   Board 6   20 hours
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[green]   Board 7   1.2 days
----------chrom----- ----- ---------------
[green]   Board 8   2.9 days
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[green]   Board 9   2.7 days
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[green]   Board 10   2.4 days
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----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------chrom
[green]   Board 11   4.0 days
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-----googlfiref----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
-----mozilsafar----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
[green]   Board 12   3.5 days
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----- ----- -----firef----- ----- ---------------
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----------safargoogl----- ----- ---------------
----------safargoogl----- ----- ----------firef
Total scores: (69085 games played)
1.Mozilla16173Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1.345%
2.MSIE 614116Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 0.000%
3.FireFox13099Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 0.000%
4.Opera 68168Barrrrrrrrrrrrr 0.000%
5.Chrome6657Barrrrrrrrrrr 96.823%
6.Opera 75818Barrrrrrrrr 0.000%
7.Opera 95386Barrrrrrrrr 0.000%
8.MSIE 5.53399Barrrrrr 0.000%
9.Netscape3061Barrrrr 0.000%
10.FireFox 23000Barrrrr 0.000%
11.Opera 82074Barrrr 0.000%
12.MSIE 51856Barrr 0.00%
13.K-Meleon1675Barrr 0.00%
14.Opera 101675Barrr 0.00%
15.MSIE 71591Barrr 0.00%
16.Galeon1475Barrr 0.00%
17.Safari1336Barrr 19.17%
18.Konqueror1121Barr 0.00%
19.FireFox 3981Barr 0.00%
20.UnknownBrowser762Barr 8.97%
21.wget719Barr 0.00%
22.SeaMonkey488Bar 32.19%
23.Lynx478Bar 0.00%
24.Links473Bar 0.00%
25.GoogleBot395Bar 0.00%
26.Yahoo!  Slurp371Bar 1.04%
27.Opera 11366Bar 0.00%
28.Camino338Bar 0.00%
29.Epiphany281Bar 0.00%
30.MSIE 4244Bar 0.00%
31.Dillo224Bar 0.00%
32.iCab186Bar 0.0%
33.FireFox 9113Bar 0.0%
34.w3m98Bar 0.0%
35.Oregano91Bar 0.0%
36.OmniWeb89Bar 0.0%
37.Amaya70Bar 0.0%
38.Vivaldi49Bar 67.2%
39.FireFox 842Bar 0.0%
40.MSIE 1139Bar 38.0%
41.FireFox 734Bar 0.0%
42.Arora32Bar 0.0%
43.FireFox 427Bar 0.0%
44.Opera 1225Bar 5.4%
45.FireFox 616Bar 0.0%
46.FireFox 3n13Bar 0.0%
47.NetSurf11Bar 0.0%
48.FireFox 7n11Bar 0.0%
49.FireFox 8n10Bar 25.5%
50.Waterfox9Bar 0.4%
51.FireFox 6n7Bar 1.6%
52.MSIE 97Bar 0.0%
53.FireFox 1n7Bar 0.0%
54.Pale Moon6Bar 0.0%
55.FireFox 4n6Bar 0.0%
56.FireFox 2n5Bar 1.6%
57.MSIE 84Bar 0.0%
58.Edge3Bar 0.0%
59.Mypal2Bar 0.0%
60.Basilisk2Bar 0.0%
61.FireFox 51Bar 0.0%
62.FireFox 5n1Bar 0.0%
63.RetroZilla1Bar 0.0%
64.MSN Bot1Bar 0.0%
65.MSIE 100 0.0%
66.Otter0 0.0%
67.Cyberfox0 0.0%
68.Iron0 0.0%
69.Midori0 0.0%
70.Opera0 0.0%
Percentages are games won out of games participated in.
Refresh this Page

[red] It is not your turn on this board
[green] You can play on this board
[cyan] You can play and an opponent has played in the last 30 seconds
[locked] A private game is in progress
[unlocked] This game is private, but you are one of the participants

Advanced stats recorded for 10648 games:
ChromeMozilla 3428-23 (2)ChromeYahoo!  Slurp 2120-26 (3)
MozillaVivaldi 36-599ChromeMozillaYahoo!  Slurp 548-0-0 (2)
ChromeMozillaSafari 291-1-51ChromeSafari 249-48 (1)
ChromeMozillaWaterfox 242-0-1 (3)ChromeMozillaPale Moon 186-7-0
ChromeMozillaUnknownBrowser 136-0-1ChromeFireFox 1nMozilla 117-0-0
Entire listing...
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