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Thomas King
2002-05-22 08:09:46
Hello!  I see from the infobar that there are a few guests around.  Please, please, please register!  We want members!  It doesn't matter if you think you don't have anyhing interesting to say, it'll always be more interesting than Chris Johnson.  It also isn't a problem if you think that there aren't any boards here that interest you, register and tell us and Stephen will create them.  Probably.

Grank grank!
2002-05-22 09:21:13
Can we add a UD forum razz
Thomas King
2002-05-22 09:45:26
Originally posted by Orbi-tel:
Can we add a UD forum razz

A UD forum?  I think that one already exists


Grank grank!

[This message was edited by Thomas King on 2002-May-22 at 17:57.]
Mike Ellery
2002-05-23 04:47:55
2002-05-24 12:06:01
i wanna add a little link

German Site about Ditributed Computing Projects

just have a look an' register if you want

Greetings from Germany

1: Athlon TB-C, 1.2 GC/s, 256 MB DDR-RAM, Erazor x², ADSL-Flatrate, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE Mainboard MSI-6380 Rev.  1
2: Pentium III, 600 MC/s, 256 MB RAM, NIC Intel, Win 98 SE
Mike Ellery
2002-05-24 13:03:19
heres another site

its in english, but there are other versions of the page Czech, German, Italian
Mickey Mouse
2002-05-25 04:37:05
What's the point in registering, when I can post anyway?  big grin
Thomas King
2002-05-25 05:45:49
Hmm.  I see a problem here....

Well, you don't need to register, we just want to increase the userbase.  If you don't want to reigster, we won't make it mandatory for posting.  Yet.  We have to have at least 50 users before we can start being evil.

Grank grank!
2002-05-25 06:29:01
I'm going to register because I'm seriously bored, and just following random links off the UD forums cool

You don't seem very evil to me yet......
Thomas King
2002-05-25 06:46:25
I am highly evil, but Stepehen wisley hasn't given me the power to cause the apolacypse. 


Grank grank!
2002-05-29 06:04:27
Tom, you're not evil.  You're just sad.  big grin
Stephen Brooks
2002-05-29 09:32:15
Originally posted by Kameleon:
Tom, you're not evil.  You're just sad.  big grin

In the quest for 'cool', insulting Tom is like trying to accelerate by pushing backwards on some jelly.  It won't make you look any better, as the jelly by definition is not going to put up any resistance.  Insulting Chris is more like pushing against a lamppost: it works because the lamppost simply won't be pushed over and stays the same dull grey whatever you do to it (except paint it, I guess).

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Muon Juice
2002-06-26 01:59:03
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
In the quest for 'cool', insulting Tom is like trying to accelerate by pushing backwards on some jelly.  It won't make you look any better, as the jelly by definition is not going to put up any resistance.  Insulting Chris is more like pushing against a lamppost: it works because the lamppost simply won't be pushed over and stays the same dull grey whatever you do to it (except paint it, I guess). 

If I may be permitted a question: in the quest for 'cool', w hat is insulting Stephen Brooks like?

Just wondering.

Muon Juice
Thomas King
2002-06-26 10:53:55
It's a bit like furdling a bag of geese, if you're searching for metaphors.

Grank grank!
Muon Juice
2002-06-27 07:04:41
Originally posted by Thomas King:
It's a bit like furdling a bag of geese, if you're searching for metaphors.

Grank grank!

Searching for metaphors?  Gracious, no!  I have an armpit full of metaphors, if I need them.  In any case, your answer was not a metaphor, it was a simile, in keeping with the rest of the discussion.  But of course you knew that didn't you? 

Meanwhile, I'm not quite sure if you have answered my question.  I didn't take the classes in furdling; all my elective subjects were either in fine arts or in athletics.  Furdling was part of the humanities syllabus and in any case, it was regarded as a bit of a girl-thing. 

Could you offer me a more comprehensible answer?  Perhaps a different simile?  Of course if you wish to use a metaphor instead, or any other figure of speech, that is acceptable too. 

Muon Juice
Muon Juice
2002-06-27 07:14:07

Muon Juice

A short postscript if I may be allowed.  I notice that for some reason your site insists upon inserting random spaces and/or characters that I have submitted.  In this most recent instance, you see an extra "e" on the line following my signature; in one previous message the "e" was attached immediately to the signature.  It refused to remain deleted after several attempts by me to remove it.  In one other instance, the "e" was replaced by a "t" but that went away after 3 attempts.  Is this a special design feature of your site, and if so, what is its purpose?

Muon Juice
Thomas King
2002-06-27 08:59:36
Right then.

I confess it.  I don't know the difference between a metaphor and a simile.  I'm not even 100% sure how to spell them.  There is a reason for this.  Firstly, I was never taught grammar at school, and secondly, even if they had tried, I doubt that I would have listened.  I'm like that.  Well, I was like that.  I did my last exam today, in a few months I move on and can start ignoreing lecturers instead. 

Furdling is very akin to fodging, the operational difference being what it is done to.  You can fodge ducks, C code, computers, and most mathematical or scientific calculations whereas you furdle geese, lemons, Synths, Chris Johnson, and other boring things. 

To be quite plain and frank (something which I hate attempting), insulting Stephen is well nigh on impossible.  It's hard enough to talk to him normally (err but then its impossible to talk to me normally, because after a couple of seconds of your boring story my eyes glaze over and I start thinking about ducks).  And in my limited experience, he just generally thinks up a better insult and uses it on you.  If you're going to insult anyone, I suggest you either try me (which also isn't ver satisfying because I'm used to it) or Chris Johnson (which is VERY SATISFYING INDEED).  (INDEED).

This green text looks very 80's.

I hope that's been no help whatsoever, I don't want to think that I the time I took away from being nasty has helped someone.

Grank grank!
Stephen Brooks
2002-06-27 16:52:20
--[This green text looks very 80's.]--

Oh cool.  That's more-or-less the effect I intended.  Meh.  The icons are still the default mankInfopop ones and could do with being more duckful.

--[If you're going to insult anyone, I suggest you either try me (which also isn't ver satisfying because I'm used to it) or Chris Johnson (which is VERY SATISFYING INDEED).  (INDEED).]--


Now THERE'S an 80's character-cell-addressable terminal effect for you.

--[To be quite plain and frank]--

I share an office with him.

--[It refused to remain deleted after several attempts by me to remove it.  In one other instance, the "e" was replaced by a "t" but that went away after 3 attempts.  Is this a special design feature of your site, and if so, what is its purpose?]--

It is an edfunced feature to determine if your computer is malfurdled.  Actually I blame InfoPop - it's probably some bug in their software, or your browser, or the quantum superposition of the two.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-25 09:48:38
Originally posted by Thomas King:
Well, you don't need to register, we just want to increase the userbase.  If you don't want to reigster, we won't make it mandatory for posting.  Yet.  We have to have at least 50 users before we can start being evil. » Message Board
Registered Members: 105

Err you obviously haven't been very on-the-ball recently.  We now have enough registered members to start being DOUBLY EVIL and you didn't even notice.

Grank grank!

Grank grank!  (QU CK)
Thomas King
2002-08-25 12:08:09
Who are all these members then?  Is there a sort of memberlist that well, lists members?

"Its just another brain-dead toucan" - Sam from Sam&Max Hit The Road
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-25 13:04:30
{A very long list of members, removed to keep e-mail addresses secret}
2002-10-29 06:03:31
Originally posted by Mike Ellery:
heres another site

its in english, but there are other versions of the page Czech, German, Italian

Backgrounds like that and moving images like the jack-o-lantern make baby Jesus bawl his proverbial eyes out.

The mark of an educated man is one who knows a lot about something, and a little about everything.
Stephen Brooks
2002-10-29 18:58:39
Originally posted by DrHanser:
Backgrounds like that and moving images like the jack-o-lantern make baby Jesus bawl his proverbial eyes out.

Far be it from me to criticise a site that has linked to me and perhaps directed a lot of traffic in my direction but... I don't know WHAT he was thinking with that background.  big grin

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-07 21:36:22
Aww, c'mon guys, loosen up a little.  It was a Halloween theme.  It's hard to create a theme that's spooky yet still readable.

Just wait'll you see what I've got lined up for Christmas big grin

Internet-based Distributed Computing Projects
Tom King
2002-11-08 02:23:09
Yes, I agree.  I also think that baby jesus would bawl his eyes out if he was using a dialup connection and encountered a screenshot of epic proportions too.
2002-11-09 13:44:35
As long as no marmots were harmed in the production of this movie there shouldn't be any problems.

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-10 at 22:28.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-10 15:31:27
Did someone say MARMOTS?  Grrr I'll kill those wretched fluffy-tailed nut-stealing beavers if it's the last thing I do.  mad

I was just ordering a new shotgun and booking a flight to Vancouver Island when I realised that I might be in danger of shooting LordGroundhog. Rumour has it that killing users of your BBS (unless they are already very unpopular) is not considered good webmastering practice.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"

[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2002-Nov-10 at 22:39.]
2002-11-11 11:40:07
You're just upset because your marmot is on backorder smile They'll have more soon
Lord Groundhog
2002-11-13 04:28:45
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Did someone say MARMOTS?  Grrr I'll kill those wretched fluffy-tailed nut-stealing beavers if it's the last thing I do.  Mad

I was just ordering a new shotgun and booking a flight to Vancouver Island when I realised that I might be in danger of shooting LordGroundhog. Rumour has it that killing users of your BBS (unless they are already very unpopular) is not considered good webmastering practice.

[1] Thanks for staying the possible execution of myself and/or some of my relatives.  Distant though they may be, I would be sorry if they were wantonly killed, and as for myself, I would be *very* sorry if I were killed (even though I have no plans to go to Vancouver in the near future). 

[2] Please refrain from referring to marmots as "...BEAVERS" -- nut-stealing or otherwise.  Marmots are ground-squirrels, and proud of it.  As for the nuts, we do not "steal", we *forage*.

-- peace.  LG

[This message was edited by Lord Groundhog on 2003-Jan-07 at 13:33.]
2002-12-30 04:34:05
Well, you asked me to register.  So here I am.  Now I just hope I got that avatar URL right.  I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Stephen Brooks
2002-12-30 13:51:56
If you drag your mouse over that avatar to select it, the near-invisible thing with green eyes turns out to be a cat.  big grin
My cat is the same colour and has the same problem with dark backgrounds, which is why people keep locking it in the conservatory at night by accident.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
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