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2006-02-22 15:20:35
I have several systems that I cannot have connected all the time.

Is there a way to download a bunch of WU's in the program to queue them for future use, like 3 or 5 days out?

I have dialup connection and 13 systems right now.

Just wondering how I would go about queueing several days or a week worth of work.

Thanks in advance.
Stephen Brooks
2006-02-23 03:38:04
Actually this program does not "queue" input work units in the conventional sense.  It can run without going online and still do productive work as it explores the optimisation space on its own.  When it does go online it can send the results it has accumulated.  Occasionally it will need to be left online for a while so that it can update its lattice files (the only sort of input it uses) from the web, but this is not very frequent and can even be done manually by copying the lattices directory from a connected, up-to-date client.
2006-02-25 19:26:25
well, latticefiles are not the 'only sort of input' there are also the samplefiles, if you so choose.

the latticefiles are sub-project 'rules' as it were merlin, i think there's been maybe 3-4 this year, and you can always jsut download them from the website, and put them in the directory manually if need be.

the samplefiles are the 'best 100' designs submitted, and used to enhance your own resulst.  They're not needed, however, as the project works the best when people work with the files (so fine tune the top end) and without (raising the possibility for new design threads.

A weeks worth of results on a fast computer might be 1Mb after the initial settling in on a lattice.  so its a nice project to do on dialup.

"work units to download" are for, essentially, first generatioopn projects, which are small ones.  muon1 is a second generation one, with a much greater depth of work.  (the rc5-72 project of is estimated to take 6 years total, for about 1.5x10^15 combinations, The phaserotc_bigs1 project had roughly 1x10^600 combinations, and took far less than a year - thats the difference in generations (not to mention, an average system can do a million keys for thre rc5 project every second, or so)
2006-02-26 14:47:34
so its a nice project to do on dialup. 

harr harr harr, Im just down from a 16Mbit to a 56Kbit connection, makes a difference to see a Mbyte of results flying back
2006-02-27 12:14:32
yeah, but how much work is that, and how much bandwidth woud you have to use for the same amount of cpu cycles on a 1st gen project, eh
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