stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1General4.42b Muon1 Message: New version
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2005-08-01 23:14:49
Muon1 keeps showing this message:

New version Unknown is available from the website !  (You are using version v.4.42b)

What is going on ??

Stephen Brooks
2005-08-02 09:10:24
I don't know - actually it did that to me yesterday.  Theoretically if it can't send or download the new version status, it should not alert the user.

Did it say anything on the line below?
Stephen Brooks
2005-08-02 09:39:20
I've put some more cautious coding around that bit for if it (e.g.) downloads an empty file or something unspecified else goes wrong.  That will be in version 4.42c.
2005-08-02 23:28:33
No, no additional info - just the line "New version Unknown is available from the website !  (You are using version v.4.42b)"


Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
I don't know - actually it did that to me yesterday.  Theoretically if it can't send or download the new version status, it should not alert the user.

Did it say anything on the line below? 
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