stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Bug ReportsResults just dropped quite a bit
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2004-05-13 21:32:16
Hi Stephen,

The other day, when I checked my stats, I'd just reached 2 million MPTs or so.  Today when I check, I'm only on 1.2 million MPT's.

What's going on there?  I've just updated to v4.4 from v4.34, but I uploaded my results before updating.  I also emptied the folders before updating, only copying back config.txt and user.txt.

I'm also running on 4 different PC's.

2004-05-14 00:04:12
Refer to this thread Stephen already highlighted its not a bug.
2004-05-14 02:24:43
No, that's not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about my running total, as shown on the stats page.
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-14 03:24:39
We're sorting this out now.  Hopefully later this afternoon I'll be able to compile the stats with these things corrected.

Meanwhile, if anyone else experienced a drop in points on the 12th or 13th, post a URL showing one of the 3rd-party stats-over-time graphs for you, including the drop, so I can calculate how many you lost.
2004-05-14 04:01:19
I lost everything... around 200,000 Mpts worth.  Frown
Luckily Team Anandtech's stats site remembers where I was.
2004-05-14 07:13:22
I was blitzed, but it looks like you fixed it.

It also just 'feels like' my daily mpts are down also -- which is weird because I didn't convert any of my 4.34 machines to 4.4. All 4.4 clients were fresh installs on PCs that had not been running muon1...

Any idea, or am I clazy?
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-14 08:59:06
Yeah, the stats program has been trying to reject some of the v4.3 submissions intermittantly.  We might have to go through this weekend with it operating a bit "weirdly"...
Stephen Brooks
2004-05-14 09:06:13
Nexus's Mpts "refund" is now compiled into genstats.exe, along with ones for Draxx[OCAU], Boots[OCAU] and [SG] Herb.
2004-05-14 09:07:27
are the results still being stored in the database even though the stats program is rejecting them?  And would it be possible for you to rebuild the stats (completely-brand-spankin-fresh-sort-of-thing) from the database?
2004-05-14 15:46:01
Ok, I lost everything from v.3x over 700,000 MPT's. I don't belong to a team, how do I find my stats on third party site?

I assume this is just a loss when it comes to reporting stats.  Our results didn't get lost well?
2004-05-14 17:30:06
I'm having the same problem, for V4.3x I had around 11,000 results.  The stats page is now showing that I have zero.  I used to be ranked at about #100 on the page, but now I'm way down at about #425. I also don't belong to a team and don't know if I or how I can get my stats off of a 3rd party site.
[SG] Herb
2004-05-15 00:54:22
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Nexus's Mpts "refund" is now compiled into genstats.exe, along with ones for Draxx[OCAU], Boots[OCAU] and [SG] Herb. 

Hmm, in spite of several updates, this seems not to have much effect on the stats until this moment, at least for me ... Frown
Could this mean, the problem still exists?
2004-05-15 07:41:50
Thanks Stephen.
2004-06-16 16:44:07
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
We're sorting this out now.  Hopefully later this afternoon I'll be able to compile the stats with these things corrected.

Meanwhile, if anyone else experienced a drop in points on the 12th or 13th, post a URL showing one of the 3rd-party stats-over-time graphs for you, including the drop, so I can calculate how many you lost. 

2004-05-12: This day I had quite a drop in my points... Frown
Stephen Brooks
2004-06-17 09:10:19
OK, those points should be added back on in the next stats update.
2004-08-06 05:02:52
Ive been missing the results of 4.3 too.
round about 5 million
2004-08-06 05:26:32
me three

5 millions poof
2004-08-06 09:07:44
Yep, lost around 2+ million total points here too.
Maniacken [US-Distributed]
2004-08-06 13:49:36
i dropped alot also.  from 5.18 mil to 2.6 mil or so.

2004-06-18 is a wierd day.
2004-08-06 23:32:02
Hey Maniacken, I don't really see a drop there in your totals
Stephan Hermens[RKN]
2004-08-07 08:18:21
The stats are inconsistent.  Look e.g. at [OCAU] in the different statistics:
"ever": 3. [OCAU] 1969 226455 45066 45125092.2 11
"year": 3. [OCAU] 1969 226455 45066 45125092.2 11
"quarter": 3. [OCAU] 1969 226455 45066 45125092.2 11
"month": 2. [OCAU] 0 226455 42258 44927687.6 11
"week": 6. [OCAU] 0 176215 0 21834666.6 11

Going from quater to month he looses all v4.2 and some v4.4 results.  He looses the rest of his v4.4 and some of his v4.3 results when looking at the week statistic.
This does seems to affect many people with 4.4 results.  Those without 4.4 results only loose the results from 4.2, but no points.
Maniacken [US-Distributed]
2004-08-07 20:11:07
thank you Stephan Hermens[RKN]. it does seem the ever category is right. 

here is what it says in the ever category.  almost 5.3 mil.

55. Maniacken [US-Distributed] 0 30286 7364 5297702.9 29
2004-08-28 01:29:44
Hi.  I've just gotten back into DPAD, and it seems that the stats monster has eaten my stats as well.  Just the other day, I dropped -753,691.8 points, which decimated my score.

Is this normal happenings (new behavior of the clients)?
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-01 06:46:57
Well that's worrying - I'm getting it to re-count your stats on the next update to see if that fixes it.  Meanwhile, you've got a few points under "excaliber [Free-DC]" without the .org, so just check all your user.txt files are correct...
2004-09-01 15:05:36
Hrm, ok.  Thanks, I'll look into that (I added a few new clients, so that is probably why.)

Thanks Stephen!

BTW: any problems with the FTP server should now be fixed (your servers page was choking on my server while checking)
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-02 01:40:41
Hey!  I see your points are back.  Smile Phew... that was close... I thought it'd gone on a random file-deletion rampage again.  Big Grin
2004-09-02 04:56:13
Not for me I've lost more than 10k of 4.4 results and more than 500k mpts of points since I don't belong to any group I can track back to how much I've had previously.
2004-09-02 12:24:36
Bad news.

Seems that it doesnt like me having lots of points.  I've dropped again, this time I've lost all except 10,000 some points.  Frown
2004-09-10 18:27:01
I havent seen my stats move in a week or two now.  Im not just some stat's freak, Im just hoping the work units are not being sucked into the nether.  My sendlog shows multiple sends to various servers.

If the stats have been frozen for a time, thats cool too.  Just don't want the work to die.  Smile
2004-09-11 02:17:02
The stats are moving, so something else must be happening in your case.
2004-09-11 10:14:49
I've lost almost all my v4.4 results and currently I don't know if I should submit more so have like a 50MB+ results.txt queued.  v4.34 doesn't seem affected though.
2004-09-11 17:14:26

I think I will stop my clients from submitting as well until this is resolved.
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-13 03:48:34
I just looked and excaliber has about 11MB of results files in the database, many modified as recently as yesterday.  So it looks like they're all here, but the stats-counter is for some reason not reading back correctly.  Incidentally, have you looked at the stats list, because it does show you as having submitted results in the last 12 hours.

Kitsura has 35MB of results in v4.4, mostly in ChicaneLinacB (plus some 66MB in v4.3 SolenoidsTo15cm).
2004-09-13 19:22:40
Good to hear my results aren't disappearing I will proceed to purge my huge 80+MB result file that I've been accumulating over 2 months.
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-16 03:19:38
I fixed one thing in the stats yesterday, but I see excaliber's results still haven't come back, so I'll have to investigate what exactly is going into his indexing file...
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-16 08:59:56

Excaliber's points are definitely back.  If they don't appear on the Free-DC page, you should check that they are taking the figures from excaliber[] rather than excaliber[Free-DC], which appears to have been an error and only has a tiny number of points.
2004-09-16 11:59:40
Well I seem to have all my results back, thanks.
[OCAU] badger
2004-09-19 18:08:49
hmmm doesn't look good, I seem to have lost about 3million mpts...

20. [OCAU] badger 1273 33662 18321 14089317.7
last time I looked I was at 16. with 17 300 000ish mpts, and then dumped about 600 000 mpts which I though should have put me up to 14. I looked today and am very worried...

don't bother looking at the TA stats, they have never shown my correct score....
Stephen Brooks
2004-09-20 01:19:53
NB.  Badger, there's a known issue with my stats at the moment, which can be corrected by selecting "display users with results submitted _ever_" instead of just for this month.  What happens otherwise is that any optimisation that you've not contributed to for a month or more gets ignored.  I ought to probably fix that.  The true total should be in .
2004-09-20 10:19:31
DukeBox fetches his stats right from simplestats.txt.
Maybe these work for you:[OCAU]
2004-09-21 03:32:58
Thanks Stephen, much appreciated!
[OCAU] badger
2004-09-22 17:57:42
duh, I should read the thread a bit closer next time...
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