stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Generalsignal.dat versioning error
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2003-01-23 04:49:50
the last two times i uploaded results, i got the message:

"ftp-transfers completed successfully.
New version available from website!  (You are using version v4.21b)"

but, as far as i know, there is no new version.
what's going on here?


[This message was edited by Stephen Brooks on 2003-Jan-24 at 13:50.]
2003-01-23 13:21:52
Really???I've never gotten this message.  Is there a NEW version i don't know of?

Crunching for
Stephen Brooks
2003-01-24 05:48:36
Perhaps one of the other FTP servers has accidentally removed its signal.dat file - that error message _ought_ to tell you the version number of the new version, and it doesn't. Can you look at your sendlog to see whose server is having this odd behaviour?

Err you know, if they made an extra-large black briefcase that also doubled as a 1-passenger car, some fool would complain it was too large to open at their desk
Henri Valta
2003-01-24 11:16:03
The signal.dat file is removed as the datacenter user logs on and starts downloading results.  Then the datacenter user logs on again and restores the file.  If you happen to send your results between these logons, you probably see the erroneous update notice.
Stephen Brooks
2003-01-24 11:19:35
Funny... perhaps I should be overwriting it instead.

Err you know, if they made an extra-large black briefcase that also doubled as a 1-passenger car, some fool would complain it was too large to open at their desk
2003-02-11 00:40:03
i got it again from
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