stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1Bug ReportsResults not appearing in Stats
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2003-10-20 02:13:51
On Saturday (18.10) I manually sent two packets of results with manualsend (Version d). 
None have appeared in the statistics uptil now.
The week before I also sent a packet with manualsend (Version C) which also have not appeared until today.

The transfers seemed to be working fine. 

Am I doing something wrong ? 
I never had this problem in previous versions and nothing has changed on my side.
My user.txt is the same as in previous versions.

Stephen Brooks
2003-10-20 04:03:23
The stats generator wasn't working over the weekend (actually crashed just after I left work on Friday).  I generated them again this morning.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-20 08:42:27
I saw that and the stats were also updated at about 15:00 again.

But my results are still not shown.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-20 12:25:51
There will be a file "sendlog.txt" (or .log) that will say which server you have sent your results to.  Then I'll be able to tell if the results are still on the server or not.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-20 17:35:32
If they are on my ftp and are over version 4.32 then they won't be getting downloaded by stephen.  I've tried to fix it and will look at the logs tonight to see where the problem is but stephens ftp checker is doing weird stuff and trying to go into directories that don't exist and then his program does everything else wrong.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-21 08:04:48
Well I saw it downloading files from your server just now, so whatever you did must have worked Big Grin

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-21 16:44:01
Yeah i deleted another dir that it was trying to go into /files/ for some reason.

That is the 3rd or 4th dir i had to delete for you think to get it working.  Could you check it, i can send you some logs so you can see what was happening but the one i sent you shows what its doing to different directories.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-22 01:00:19
The program grabs the entire directory tree, so if you've put anything else on there it will try and go in.  So if there's an extra subdirectory which it doesn't have permissions for, that could mess things up (if you do put other stuff on there, try making the directory completely invisible [non-readable] to the muon user).

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-23 11:49:35
I sent the results in two batches.
The sendlog.txt file contains the following message -
"20031017-192138 57 results sent to"

In the same directory there are also two empty files called :

Should I send the results again ?
As none of my results have appeared in the stats I could rename result.dat to reselts.txt and try again.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-24 03:36:38
I reckon you've put a colon in your user.txt name.  Just take it out and write "stargate" there instead of "user: stargate".
Repeated results are removed at this end anyway, so you can, since this is an unusual situation, send your results.dat as results.txt when you try again.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-27 07:51:33
You put your finger on it - everything is working now.

Sorry for causing a problem.  Should have noticed it before.

Perhaps a future version of manualsend could check the syntax of the user name before sending the result file to a bogus account.

Thanks and keep up the great work.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-27 09:15:51
Originally posted by stargate:
Perhaps a future version of manualsend could check the syntax of the user name before sending the result file to a bogus account.


It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-28 12:46:49
I'm having a problem with my results not showing as well:

20031027-191500 103 results sent to
20031028-120626 99 results sent to
20031028-204659 99 results sent to

But have yet to see any stats yet?? 

2003-10-28 13:00:06
I just looked at the que for and I see my name in there but it's truncated:

It shows my username as:


Any specific reason why this is happening?  Or is this just a bug on the output.  I noticed that Free-DC doesn't show up in the summary list for teams on the que page as well.

BTW, I'm using v4.32e

[This message was edited by magnav0x on 2003-Oct-28 at 21:12.]
2003-10-28 20:15:27
Hey magnav0x, did you ever do the Neo project?  If you did do you remember me?
2003-10-28 23:27:27
Yes I was very active in the begginings of Neo and I do remember you Big Grin What are you doing on these neck of the woods?!

Been trying to get in on this project for a while off and on, but I never show up in the stats Mad What am I doing wrong dude?!
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-29 06:33:23
Me putting out the "alert" for versions of muon1 to tell their owners to upgrade triggers the stats engine to recognise that version.  However I'm not alerting people for the released 4.32e, since it doesn't read the autosave files (though for other purposes it is fine).  So that meant just this morning I had to add the 4.32e entry to the recognised-versions text file by hand.  4.32f is coming in a little while.

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-29 06:54:49
Great!  I just noticed my name in the stats.  Any certain reason my name is under the section?  Shouldn't it also be under the All Optimizations secrion as well?  I don't understand what these Solenoid sections of the stats are.
Stephen Brooks
2003-10-29 08:07:07
If you click on the "next 50" link under the main stats list, you'll eventually get down to your name.  Also for just your stats I think you can use

It doesn't make any sense: that's why they call it "virtual"
2003-10-29 13:39:21
Thanks Stephan I am able to locate my name in the stats (rawstats.txt), all I'm realy looking for. 

Why is it my name is listed under the "" section of the rawstats.txt file?  Is this new client optimized specificaly for SolenoidsTo15cm or does that have something to do with results.dat file?  I'm completely confused on the point of importing other results.dat files to our own directories, etc. I guess I don't understand the project too well Eek. Mainly I'm looking into writing stats and I'm just trying to understand the rawstats.txt file.  I have written stats for about 6 other projects now and I'm wanting to help support the Muon project.  I've seen slipstream's stats and they are wonderful, but I won't be happy until mine are complete . Also I noticed that on the main stats pages it doesn't list all of my team this because it's only listing those in the "" section?

Where can I get a list of all raw data dumps you have?  Anything more than rawstats.txt available for me to pluck away at?  Thanks!
2003-10-29 13:48:50
The rawstats.txt file should be more than enough.  Let me show you a little xml I created out of that file and teamids.txt:
- <team id="[DPC]">
<name value="Dutch Power Cows" />
<website value="" />
- <subteams>
- <simulation id="v4.2">
- <simulation id="SolenoidsOnly">
- <teamStats>
- <simulation id="v4.2">
<results value="331421" mutation="" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<resultsToday value="0" rank="18" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMpts value="152173655671" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMptsToday value="0" mutation="" rank="17" rankMutation="" />
<highestYield value="3.672543" rank="1" rankMutation="" />
<yieldIncreasementToday value="0" rank="28" rankMutation="" />
<lastActive value="5" />
- <simulation id="SolenoidsOnly">
<results value="532365" mutation="" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<resultsToday value="95" rank="5" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMpts value="96991406.7" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMptsToday value="15794.2" mutation="" rank="3" rankMutation="" />
<highestYield value="15.946169" rank="5" rankMutation="" />
<yieldIncreasementToday value="0.033012" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<lastActive value="5" />
- <simulation id="SolenoidsTo15cm">
<results value="21260" mutation="" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<resultsToday value="351" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMpts value="2594056.8" rank="1" rankMutation="" />
<particlesOrMptsToday value="61685.4" mutation="" rank="2" rankMutation="" />
<highestYield value="9.656379" rank="4" rankMutation="" />
<yieldIncreasementToday value="0" rank="9" rankMutation="" />
<lastActive value="5" />

And I got even more info on users.  Atm there's a bug in my code and I'm busy (so I'm not working on it), but I'm sure I can build very cool stats out of this.

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-10-29 14:21:02
Thanks Stephan, guess I'm justa bit confused about the SolenoidsTo15cm, AllOptimizations, etc sections of the rawstats.txt.  Why are there seperate sections for them.  Are the overall stats/rankings decided on JUST SolenoidsTo15cm or on all the data combined?  Pretty much I'm just trying to figure out what the point of having 2 or 3 different sections in the stats.  I noticed on the main stats page it only shows my team members that have data in the SolenoidsTo15cm portion of the rawstats.txt and the othere aren't mentioned on the page.  Is that because everything other than the SolenoidsTo15cm optimization is old data from previous clients?  I'm just confused.  Roll Eyes
2003-10-29 14:41:42
When you look at the bottom of the page at, you'll notice three tables, one for each simulation.  Indeed there were more clients.  The last two simulations we made with clients of version 4.3x. They use a reward system based on mpts, million-particles-per-time-step or something like that.  The older simulation of version 4.2 uses particles to reward people, which is a less accurate way to compare donated computing power.  Thus, these two types of stats are incompatible.  Just a FYI: before V4.2 there were other versions with other simulation(s), but those stats are lost...

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-10-29 14:46:54
Ok, so I'm only intersted in SolenoidsOnly and SolenoidsTo15cm sections of the stats correct (I assume those are both 4.3 results).  So if a user has points in both SolenoidsOnly and SolenoidsTo15cm, they can be added together to get his/her total 4.3 MPTs right?

Also, just for my understanding, is there a link with some info or just a general answer as to what the difference between SolenoidsOnly and SolenoidsTo15cm are (just different 4.3 clients?)?

Thanks again for your help with my n00bness to this project Big Grin
2003-10-29 14:56:58
Yes, SolenoidsOnly and SolenoidsTo15cm both use MPTS and can be added up.  I'm not sure about the difference between the two simulations.  All I know is that SolenoidsTo15cm is supposed to be a more useful simulation.

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-10-29 15:02:03
Well it seems that SolenoidsTo15cm are the only important stats that moment, because the Team Stats on the muon page is calculating team data based on it alone.  I wonder if Stephen Brooks could give us an answer on this.  I'm realy not sure if the rank statistics are suppose to based on both SolenoidsOnly and SolenoidsTo15cm or just the later.
2003-10-29 15:08:53
If I ever get to finish my stats, I'll give users the option to choose which simulation they want to see.  That might be an idea for you too Wink

Dutch Power Cow.
2003-10-29 15:19:09
Whoops I was wrong....SolenoidsTo15cm and SolenoidsOnly are combined in the statistics for 4.3. Finaly I understand the rawstats!  Chooochooo!
2003-10-29 19:13:30
Yeah i sorta piked out of Neo fairly fast when it got changed a bit and it seemed fairly useless.

My stats program cracked a wobbly when stephen added in the 3rd part to the raw stats so i just stopped it as there are other cool stats around.

Also i've been in muon for a while now Mag, i've even made two programs for it, a program to read your results.txt file to tell you how many mpts you have got and joining results files into one for like the results.dat file and so forth.  The other program makes it so you can send muon results through http, as i run/host one of the muon ftp servers i made a program to send the results to my server throught http and it goes on to my ftp.  But i'm thinking of stopping production on the second one as only 3 people out of the whole project are using it.

Well i better go and study, got exams starting tomorrow... grrr.
2003-10-30 08:52:11
Wow, give me some linkage to your programs!  I'd utilize them.  Yeah I noticed there were other 3rd party stats around.  I just like to put together stats engines, as that's pretty much what I do for my DC team. was my last project.  Put together 4 week history database for many projects. 

Chessbrain is the only other project I've done FULL stats on, for all users.  I don't know why, but I just felt like I needed to do it for muon.
2003-10-30 15:46:39
Well if you get them going Magnav0x, let me know maybe then I wil show up on the stats as mine have not been showing up here of late.  Frown

2003-10-30 20:12:39
I see you in the stats?

Are you running one of the 4.32 clients?  You should show data if you are.  But yeah according to my parses on rawstats.txt you didn't complete any yesterday.
2003-10-31 04:59:52
well the two programs are...


have fun... hey did you do anything else for freedc or dbeastern?  Lke with their site?
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2003-11-01 07:01:08
Originally posted by ZeonX[OCAU]:
well the two programs are...



I get: "The link you have gone to is stolen from the Overclockers Australia Muon site.
This file would have been taken from the Files section, click here to go to the..."

Guess: You don't like proxies and privacy?  Your links are useless, indeed.


Sledge Eek

[This message was edited by [AVE] MrSledgeHammer on 2003-Nov-01 at 16:58.]
2003-11-01 09:01:08
Why so harsh? 
Check your browser or proxy settings , them links work fine for me in Opera, Mozilla and Phoenix!

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2003-11-01 10:44:32
Originally posted by Herb[Romulus2]:
Why so harsh? 
Check your browser or proxy settings , them links work fine for me in Opera, Mozilla and Phoenix!

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.

Get back to your keyboard, right now!

I'am not "harsh" at all.  Only seems that support-code gets as incomatible as Stephens "muon 4.xx [a-z] release [1-99] recompile [0-9]{0-99}]"...

Back to the referrer-stuff: What's the RFC where the need of a valid referrer is defined?


Sledge Frown
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2003-11-01 10:54:31
Originally posted by [AVE] MrSledgeHammer:
Originally posted by Herb[Romulus2]:
Why so harsh? 
Check your browser or proxy settings , them links work fine for me in Opera, Mozilla and Phoenix!

I'd say more, but I can't reach the keyboard from the floor.

Get back to your keyboard, right now!

I'am not "harsh" at all.  Only seems that support-code gets as incompatible as Stephens "muon 4.xx [a-z] release [1-99] recompile [0-9]{0-99}]"...

Back to the referrer-stuff: What's the RFC where the need of a valid referrer is defined?


Sledge Frown
2003-11-02 02:16:20
You need to have cookies/sessions also enabled.  It goes on referrer and a session variable.

But for a more direct link I put them here:
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2003-11-02 11:26:34
Originally posted by ZeonX[OCAU]:
You need to have cookies/sessions also enabled.  It goes on referrer and a session variable.

So I will never see this...

Originally posted by ZeonX[OCAU]:
But for a more direct link I put them here:

... but this will work.  Thanks Smile


Sledge Cool Cool Cool
2003-11-02 15:24:35
No problem sledge.
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