stephenbrooks.orgForumMuon1General* New multi-server manualsend.exe
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Stephen Brooks
2002-11-11 10:25:28
Try replacing your old manualsend.exe by the program in this ZIP file:
This should download the list of servers from my site if it can and try sending to random ones (max 10 attempts) until it succeeds.  If it seems to be working, I shall start pulling results off those servers and refreshing the stats again.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-11 10:46:59

the program is crashing on my XP. 
The last output is

Attempting to send result...
2002-11-11 10:54:30
Originally posted by Midon:

the program is crashing on my XP. 
The last output is

Attempting to send result...

It crashed on my system too.. (W98)

2002-11-11 11:14:06

the new manualsend retrieves a valid serverlist, but crashes when building the send-file

a 0-byte send file is created but the prog crashes before writes are done..

Stephen Brooks
2002-11-11 13:40:16
OK - sorry, versions nightmare.  That version was trying to read from a file "lattices\muon_lattice_2b.txt", used with v4.22 only.  I've compiled and uploaded another version that looks at the v4.21 file.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-11 13:45:46
(bumps this thread to the top so people can see it)
2002-11-11 13:51:52
new version works, in Win98SE ...

Hello, [DPC]TeamNWW
Attempting to send results...ftp> open
Connected to
220 Welcome to, Andy's FTP Server.
User (andrey.mine.nunone)):
331 Please specify the password.

230 Login successful.  Have fun.
ftp> lcd D:\utilities\muon
Local directory now D:\utilities\muon.
ftp> mkdir v4.21b
550 Create directory operation failed.
ftp> cd v4.21b
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ascii
200 ASCII tastes bad, dude.
ftp> put 20021111-214203-AiqK6-[DPC]TeamNWW.txt
200 PORT command successful.  Consider using PASV.
150 Go ahead make my day^W^W^Wsend me the data.
226 File receive OK.
ftp: 7500 bytes sent in 0,00Seconds 7500000,00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> cd ..
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> get signal.dat
200 PORT command successful.  Consider using PASV.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for signal.dat (96 bytes).
226 File send OK.
ftp: 97 bytes received in 0,05Seconds 1,94Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.

Results sent.

btw, the results on your own server are not processed yet ?

2002-11-11 14:19:17
mmm, tried to see if my packet really is in the right directory on, but i get this :

ftp> cd v4.21b
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.  Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Transfer done (but failed to open directory).

2002-11-11 15:17:59
Originally posted by Goner:
mmm, tried to see if my packet really is in the right directory on, but i get this :

ftp> cd v4.21b
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.  Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Transfer done (but failed to open directory).


well that the security ... light one but ok at least it makes stealing and deleting of other ones results a nit harder

Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-11-11 15:28:28
I re-send my VERY Big result.txt with your new Manual send ...
Don't flame me if you see this "dupe" .. but i only test the speed of the new ftp, OR hope one of both come to you ....

big grin
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-11 15:31:41
Hope you server guys have a small amount of disk space to spare - I'll have the fetch-from-FTP part working soon, but not instantly.  Don't worry it'll only be a few megs each.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-11-11 15:33:20
Is it still under ?
This Version crash unter W2k ... hmmm
It make a new File 20021111-232437-2ZCw8-Bluumi_[SwissTeam.NET].txt but don't touch the results.txt ... is the URL other of the corrected version?
Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-11-11 15:41:11
Nice mad

You need a Lattices SubDirectory in the MuonFolder to Upload.  .. seem the V4.22-Problem is not really fixed ....

Now with this sub Dir i can Upload.. razz
Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-11-11 15:49:48
Now the FTP's are three times faster

Three FTPs Connect at once to Upload big grin

I hope you refresh your Stats soon ... i want see my high fly soon ... i need some "first place sun" again ... sorry DoA my xDSL was broken .. good time for some MuonCluster Day's big grin big grin
Brian Sogard
2002-11-11 16:27:51
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Hope you server guys have a small amount of disk space to spare - I'll have the fetch-from-FTP part working soon, but not instantly.  Don't worry it'll only be a few megs each.

No problem, the computer I dropped the server on here has about 1.5GB empty disk space.  cool
2002-11-11 19:18:36
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Hope you server guys have a small amount of disk space to spare - I'll have the fetch-from-FTP part working soon, but not instantly.  Don't worry it'll only be a few megs each.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a _spiral space-time whirly thing_, AND an interesting plotline"

frst files arrived and there's enough discspace avail cool

2002-11-11 21:27:50
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
Try replacing your old manualsend.exe by the program in this ZIP file:
This should download the list of servers from my site if it can and try sending to random ones (max 10 attempts) until it succeeds.  If it seems to be working, I shall start pulling results off those servers and refreshing the stats again.

what about an upgraded manualsend for linux ???
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-11 23:54:02
Originally posted by Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]:
You need a Lattices SubDirectory in the MuonFolder to Upload.  .. seem the V4.22-Problem is not really fixed ....

Now with this sub Dir i can Upload.. razz

This was intentional - manualsend is designed to be run from the Muon directory.  You also need the lattice text file inside that directory.

I don't know what you mean about it connecting 3 times... It will try different servers on the list until it finds one that's up, but it sends once at a time not many at once.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Bluumi [SwissTeam.NET]
2002-11-12 03:24:14
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
I don't know what you mean about it connecting 3 times... It will try different servers on the list until it finds one that's up, but it sends once at a time not many at once.

For test i made 3 Directory, with the same results.txt and manualsend.exe.
Start all 3 Manualsend, and it connect to 3 different FTP's ... after some time i CTRL-C every Connect... But every connect was MANY times faster than the Connect to your overloaded Server ...

Now ONLY the 4.58Mbyte big Results.txt on YOUR overloaded Server is needed ... the other 3 brocken Results.txt are Dupes / Copy of the Monster ... i hope you understand now what i want to say the first time. 

I think after flushing this MonsterFile i end the V4.21 Work.  If 4.22 bring new interessting things .... But i hope i can wait on V5 ... roll eyes

PS: and i hope you can run the Stats of the Results on YOUR (overloaded) Original-FTP.  I want see how big my upload was in Particles.

Cya next time
2002-11-12 14:14:35
Originally posted by Goner:
mmm, tried to see if my packet really is in the right directory on, but i get this :

ftp> cd v4.21b
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.  Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Transfer done (but failed to open directory).


Yes, that's because you can't read the directory.  It prevents people from stealing the results.  I did just check now, and it ~is~ working, about 700k of results have been sent so far.
2002-11-12 14:16:22
Now we need an updated manual send for Linux smile.
2002-11-12 14:37:23

Yes, that's because you can't read the directory.  It prevents people from stealing the results.  I did just check now, and it ~is~ working, about 700k of results have been sent so far.

I have a FTP-Server, you can upload files, you can read the directory, but you cant download any file.  I think this would be a nice configuration for muon.

But everyone can see if his files are successfully uploaded, when the stats are up and running again.

(I have copys of my last 29 uploads )

2002-11-12 20:55:34
Yeah I have changed my server permissions so you can upload your results and downlaod the signal file but you can't download any files uploaded by anyone.

I log my ftp and i don't think anyone has downloaded results except stephen.
2002-11-13 00:27:32
Originally posted by pvs:
I have a FTP-Server, you can upload files, you can read the directory, but you cant download any file.  I think this would be a nice configuration for muon.

yes, it would be nice if all servers had the same configuration ...
But everyone can see if his files are successfully uploaded, when the stats are up and running again.
if you're in a team, it's hard to check if all _your_ results made it ...
Goner - [DPC]TeamNWW
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-13 01:41:53
Originally posted by ZeonX:
Yeah I have changed my server permissions so you can upload your results and downlaod the signal file but you can't download any files uploaded by anyone.

I log my ftp and i don't think anyone has downloaded results except stephen.

Have you noticed anyone deleting any results?  I suspect the answer is "no", and that's because I get an error "Command '' not recognised" when I issue "mdel *.txt". So I keep downloading the same ones, which is annoying.  Also I don't seem to have permission to create directories on the root level, or at least is says access denied when I try to mkdir one.  Could you fix this please?

PX3's FTP server works fine and is _very_ fast from here.  Brian Sogard's one also works.  I don't have any others right now because the rest of the people haven't told me the datacenter accounts.  They probably haven't got theirs set up yet.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-13 02:08:51
The first time you downloaded the results you deleted the files fine. 
I also just checked the log and you did create a directory so i don't know what ya mean there and my ftp mighn't support that deleting method.

Your account to my ftp has ALL permissions to that directory on my comp.
2002-11-13 03:08:13
Well i deleted the results that you have downlaoded twice now... heheh.. I hope you still got em... frown

And i installed that gildftp or what eva so maybe that will be better and will understand your commands even though its actully really stupid in my mind and its logging toally sux.  Will be ooking around for a good ftp with good logging and features soon, i can live with guild at the moment.

I tested it and it seems to work fine with both muon and datacenter accounts.

Ohhh i think its time for bed... Night all.  (its probly day for most of you roll eyes)
Brian Sogard
2002-11-13 04:56:03
I tested as best I could the accounts permissions on my server before listing it.  I've noticed the upload and download logs, haven't seen anything to indicate anyone has been poking around too much.  I did see one IP attempt to login using anonymous, I have banned that IP, any IP that I see attempting anonymous logins WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY.
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-13 05:11:53
Actually ZeonX's server worked fine this time.  I think the [ '' command not recognised ] thing actually appears when I request to delete when there are no files there - or at least that's what I _think_ happens.  I thought I saw it appearing before when there were still files on there but maybe I misread it.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-13 05:13:01
Originally posted by Brian Sogard:
I did see one IP attempt to login using anonymous, I have banned that IP, any IP that I see attempting anonymous logins WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY.

Surely anonymous logins don't matter because you can set the anonymous user to not have any permissions?  In fact on my FTP server I think I can switch anonymous logins off completely.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-13 07:16:06
2pm FTP went OK it seemed, but the 3pm one has frozen at this point:
ftp> mkdir v4.1
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (0 bytes).
ftp> cd v4.1
425 Can't build data connection.
ftp> mget *.txt
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (0 bytes).
Cannot find list of remote files.
ftp> mdel *.txt
250 "/" is current directory.
Cannot find list of remote files.
ftp> lcd ..
Local directory now C:\ral\muon1\user_results.
ftp> cd ..
550 v4.1: Permission denied.
ftp> lcd c:\ral\muon1\user_results\v4.0x
Local directory now C:\ral\muon1\user_results\V4.0x.
ftp> mkdir v4.05
250 "/v4.1" is current directory.
ftp> cd v4.05
200 Type set to A.
ftp> mget *.txt
200 Type set to A.
Cannot find list of remote files.
ftp> mdel *.txt

Uh... /bin/ls???  What am I doing there?  big grin Is someone's security a little dodgy?

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
[dpc[sppedy j
2002-11-13 16:21:40
is working ok now?

send my results to this ftp, but i do't see them in the stats?
2002-11-13 16:31:07
I think stephen took that ftp out of the list because stephen doesn't have an account for it yet so he can't get and delete the results from it yet.

The results from that server will be in the stats when stephen gets a datacenter account for that ftp.... I hope this is correct as i think i saw it but can't seems to find it any more.
2002-11-14 00:27:08

is there a problem with your server ??
i just (about 9am CET) tried to send some results and got this :

Hello, [DPC]TeamNWW
Attempting to send results...ftp> open
Connected to
220-ZeonX's Muon FTP
220 Please enter your name:
User (zeonx.dyndns.orgnone)):
331 User name okay, Need password.
230 User logged in.
ftp> lcd C:\utils\muon
Local directory now C:\utils\muon.
ftp> mkdir v4.21b
550 v4.21b: Permission denied.
ftp> cd v4.21b
250 "/v4.21b" is current directory.
ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A.
ftp> put 20021114-080945-BXFjE-[DPC]TeamNWW.txt
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ascii mode data connection for /v4.21b/20021114-080945-BXFjE-[DPC]TeamNWW.txt.

then, nothing ...
tried to connect to your server from another PC to see if my packet made it and got this :

ftp> open
Connected to
220-ZeonX's Muon FTP
220 Please enter your name:
User (zeonx.dyndns.orgnone)): muon1
331 User name okay, Need password.
230 User logged in.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (588 bytes).

and again, nothing ...
eventually i quit both sessions.

Goner - [DPC]TeamNWW
2002-11-14 00:53:17
Hmm from some places i think it may timeout.  There isn't really much i can do but you could maybe try to use pasv mode if you know who to connect to the ftp ya self.

I'm sorry that its done this too you and i hope it doesn't do this to many people.  If you try to send the results again it will most likely choose another server and then it will work.
2002-11-14 01:30:07
mmm, i'd rather use the script than doing it manually ; don't know how important the signal.dat stuff is ...

anyway, 2nd transfer (to DrHanser) also failed/timed out ... i then removed the ftp.exe that came with muon1_background.exe so the ftp from the system (win2k) would be used. 
3rd try to 'rdsroot' went OK ...

Goner - [DPC]TeamNWW
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-14 02:32:16
If you just leave it going and wait for it to time out, it'll try other servers anyway.  However, ZeonX's server seems to take AGES to time-out.  Can I suggest you lower the inactivity timeout to around 2 minutes before kicking the user? is now in the servers list again, as he's e-mailed me the username and password.  Judging from the list as of now, Dr. Hanser's machine is still inaccessible via DNS.

Do you think I should try putting PASV mode back into the sending program?  Unfortunately when I tested it on ZeonX's server, it seemed to hang every time it tried to transfer a file.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-14 02:33:29
The only server i can send without any problem's is the 'original' one.  (Actually, i never had any problems using that one, no missing results, no disconnects etc.)
So, sorry Stephen.. i'll keep using yours...
2002-11-14 06:24:44
well this whole server thing....
see if i got it right...
Well i upload wih the new ftp, it gets trasfered randomly to one of the ftps which are online, and, whats happening then?
Stephen gets them somehow, via ftp.  But how often does he check these ftps?  Can it be, that all my result files stay two weeks in outer space of an hard disk, or even get lost...
and what happens when i cant get any connections, do my files get lost (of course i have bakups)??

"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-14 06:46:43
I check each of the other FTPs once an hour and download all the files from them, so if you send to one, I'll probably get the results fairly soon.  If you can't connect to any, the program keeps the results.txt file on your HDD for another simulation run and tries again later.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-14 08:35:49
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
I check each of the other FTPs once an hour and download all the files from them...
Please include your original to in the hourly run.. frown
2002-11-14 09:26:40
well i msged this also to your icq


guess your new manualsend ain't working on NT based machines because you make a dir and that isn't allowed

after that you try to put the file from the new made dir ....but that dir and file doesn't exist and because the time-out is high it takes ages but it will fail server after server

Stephen Brooks
2002-11-14 09:29:46
What do you mean "on NT-based machines"?  The server running NT?  The reason I shipped ftp.exe with the muon package was so that everyone would have the same version of it.  If you have a FTP _server_ that won't let a user create directories, then get a better FTP server package that _will_ let you create directories.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-14 09:37:11
nt-based is nt4.0 w2k and winXP

when i renamed the ftp.exe to ftp.old

my connection atleast shows some upload activity

uploading a 107kb file to

see here:

Retrying: attempt 2 of 10
ftp> open
Connected to
220 ProFTPD 1.2.6 Server (cromos muon1 ftp server (see
muon1/)) []
User (cgmuonftp.homelinux.orgnone)):
331 Password required for muon.

230 User muon logged in.
ftp> lcd C:\setups\muon
Local directory now C:\setups\muon.
ftp> mkdir v4.21b
550 v4.21b: File exists
ftp> cd v4.21b
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A.
ftp> put 20021115-023210-qXBgZ-[DPC]Scorpion.txt
200 PORT command successful

Now it works fine, after i renamed the ftp.exe ...and i modified the csv to check if would also work for me.  will try some more things
20021115-024444 87 results sent to

probably send some dupes now

[This message was edited by [DPC]Scorpion on 2002-Nov-14 at 17:48.]
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-14 11:50:52
Hmm maybe the system's ftp.exe works better than the one I shipped.  Damn Windows, incompatible with itself....

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-17 15:54:54
Originally posted by TheEternalVortex:
Now we need an updated manual send for Linux smile.

bump ...

Goner - [DPC]TeamNWW
2002-11-19 13:09:34
Originally posted by TheEternalVortex:
Now we need an updated manual send for Linux smile.

Indeed.  As no one has come up with one yet, I'm having a go at it now.  Don't think I'll get it working within the next hour though..
Stephen Brooks
2002-11-19 15:51:25
I put the source up on the webpage with a brief readme in it.  Hope you found it.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-11-19 22:17:39
Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
I put the source up on the webpage with a brief readme in it.  Hope you found it.

I found it, although in daylight I'm really more of a Delphi/ASP/PHP developer, so I hope I can manage to replace all the Windows specific code.
2002-11-20 05:49:57
No need to port.  I did it, but haven't uploaded yet (tomorrow I guess).

But there is no automatically download of servers.csv file.  (Any idea how to program?  I only find urlGetFile(...) in librpm, but linking caused some errors.  Maybe I should create a simple script file to get the servers.csv)

BTW: where is the servers.csv (seems to be empty)

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