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Stephen Brooks
2002-08-25 09:57:36
I noticed a while ago, the goose ( ) image, representing "UnknownBrowser" was showing up quite a lot on the BrowserWars board - and 65 games have been won by unrecognised browsers.  So a few days ago I added something to write the browser-id strings of any unknown-browser players encountered to a file UKB.log, which so far is empty.  If I find anything in this file I will post it here.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
The Unknown Conspiracy
2002-08-27 07:17:16
First of all thanks for the nifty game smile

"a few days ago I added something to write the browser-id strings of any unknown-browser players encountered to a file UKB.log, which so far is empty"
Thist file is empty because the webserver can't write anything in it.
If I, proud user of "Unknown" Browser want to play i get the following errors:

Warning: fopen("ukb.log","at") Permission denied at ...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function printf() at ...

hm, do you need to #include <stdio.h> ?  i dont speak php.

But i think it is just a vain attempt in stopping the Unknown Conspiracy in taking over the world.  Because those Mozilla/IE/Opera users would have no chance against the vastly superior browser from "Unknown", sometimes also called "Other". We have 10% of the webserver market right now, three times than iPlanet and NCSA combined, and we participate in all elections worldwide.

an anonymous member of the Unknown Conspiracy wink
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-27 10:11:19
I forgot I had to set file permissions manually to let PHP scripts write to files... Also PHP does not support the "fprintf" function - only printf and sprintf, so I had to rewrite that bit too.
Stephen Brooks
2002-08-27 15:21:03
Oh weird.  ELinks?  I didn't know that even existed.  It's even more confusing considering the parent program (Links) is pronounced the same as "Lynx", which is also a text-mode browser.  I didn't expect there to be TWO in common usage.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
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