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Fudge E. Bear
2002-09-15 19:38:25
Is it possible to have a shot of the winning board layout on the screen for that board? 
I would often love to have a look at exactly how I lost (or to savor my glorious victory).
2002-09-16 01:54:48
Hi Stephen!

Great Game!  Is it possible to have the "who has won how many times"-statistics placed on the bottom of the screen instead of on top of the board?  This would prevent my wheel-mouse-wheel from beginning to glow when I play wink

Stephen Brooks
2002-09-16 12:12:30
These are good ideas.  I initially had the score bars at the top because it made the table neater, but now I've got more browsers there it's a bit cumbersome and should be moved to the bottom like on the board-select screen.

The game already saves the 'victory' state of the last board and ought to show you it when you win (as a miniature version under the winning message).  I could also add a link from the page to show a small popup window with the last victory state in it though.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-09-16 13:44:17
Sort best scores is good idea too.

2002-09-17 15:06:50
One suggestion would be to make the total number of wins also show the total number of games played by that browser (games as in boards in which a piece for that browser is placed), and the percentage.

Who knows, we may find that Googlebot is actually kicking all of our butts.
Stephen Brooks
2002-09-17 15:40:23
You mean like a win-percentage 'efficiency' for each browser?  Well I don't see why not.  The only thing I'd say is that I think it might be better to define a browser as having "participated" in a game if it has placed at least 3 counters, so that trivial plays by e.g. someone who just puts a square on every board aren't counted so much.  You need at least 3 counters to have any _hope_ of winning anyway.  With that I could even do a thing showing which browsers most frequently played against each other, the number of 3-way, 4-way games and the winning efficiencies of each participant in each.  Cue an "Advanced Stats" button.  big grin cool

Another thing I was contemplating was daily stats totals or something, though I think they'd have to be totals computed up to the end of each day (instead of a rolling last-24-hours total because that's much harder).  Maybe at some stage in the future some snazzy graphs showing the browser's wins over time, but I'd have to master PHP graphics to do that.

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
Stephen Brooks
2002-09-17 17:30:53
After a bit of messing around, the main page now displays stats for each combination of browsers who play in a game.  I'll get it to read this data into 'wins out of games participated in' information tomorrow evening but for now I must go to sleep (it being 1:30am)...

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-09-18 15:33:44
Wow.  That's more than I expected, and is pretty cool to see.

Now if only there were some way that I could get some of the Opera people to change browsers.. there's a couple I see who keep giving away easy games, and I don't always have time to get in and save them from their mistakes. 
Stephen Brooks
2002-09-19 02:09:45
Strangely, doing the stats in that "sophisticated" way was actually the simplest/flexible way around to getting the stats you wanted, of % games won over games participated in.  But I still haven't got around to putting those in.  I like the current stats for each 'battle' too, though.  cool

"As every 11-year-old kid knows, if you concentrate enough Van-der-Graff generators and expensive special effects in one place, you create a spiral space-time whirly thing, AND an interesting plotline"
2002-09-22 13:47:01
Oo!  Another suggestion for layout..

Currently the "Refresh this board" and "Select Another Board" appear right above the arrows in Opera.  As I use auto-refresh, sometimes I've just moved and go for the "Select Another Board" link, only to find that I've clicked on an arrow where I don't want to because somebody else moved.

If those two links could be moved up some, say above the listing of what browser played last, that'd be helpful, I think.
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