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Stephen Brooks
2003-11-27 06:46:11
This morning I gave a talk as the ISIS Accelerator Division fortnightly meeting.  You can download the .ppt file of it from .

There are some links that won't work in that presentation: the "View animation" one just shows a timelapse of a Muon1 simulation.  The "137-variable" one starts viewresults.exe (so I could show them that) and the "internet-based" one displayed a snapshot of the Muon1 page on this site.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[AVE] MrSledgeHammer
2003-11-28 10:36:55

Originally posted by Stephen Brooks:
This morning I gave a talk as the ISIS Accelerator Division fortnightly meeting.  You can download the .ppt file of it from .

nice to have such kind of feedback Smile


Sledge Cool Cool Cool
2003-11-28 22:37:47
Big Grin Well Stephen, I will be the first to admit that I have no clue how this particle accelerator stuff works or even what specific uses of it will be used for science.  But I do recognize the hard work you do for it and the time you spend doing that hard work.  I read the presentation (3 times Eek) and still found myself no more enlightened to it's purpose as when I first started running the simulator, but I found myself smiling at the fact that I could see that there were results being deducted from all of this and that this distiributed community of yours had a bit of light shed on it & us.  I sit back and wonder how someone could not only learn and understand the science of the Particle Accelerator / Muon stuff, but also how to be able to put it into a computer program and have it do what you want with all the crazy science/math equations & variables.  It's kind of odd that in a distant way we (the distirbuted computing drones) are helping someone, somewhere help spend $2billion.  Wink Keep up the good work.  It's nice to be part of a distrubuted project that has a visible end goal to it with a scientific purpose.

Friends help friends move....
REAL friends help friends move dead bodies.
Stephen Brooks
2003-12-04 02:21:40
That talk looks very sketchy as just a .ppt file because I decided to have the slides just as a prompt (and to show some figures) and I talked for about 3 minutes on each one, which was the real explanation.  But sometimes it's good to have summary slides available anyway.  Since that talk took 35 minutes (plus there were 10 minutes of questions), if I do one for a conference it'll probably be shorter and more directly off the slides, so might be more readable.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
[OCAU] badger
2003-12-04 15:48:55
well it seems that you like all us scientists have "powerpointitis" stuffing far too much onto each slide!  Although yours are much more readable than the usual ones I see around here...
Good work tho, I was interested by slide two, where you seem to suggest that the tantalum rods could be replaced by other pion emitters.  I am guessing that these would not emit pions in the same way, would this make a difference to the solenoid channel and bending chicane optimum design?  Or are these fairly insensitive to the pion input? Proudly sponsored by GRX-Computers
Stephen Brooks
2003-12-05 03:18:55
Originally posted by [OCAU] badger:
I was interested by slide two, where you seem to suggest that the tantalum rods could be replaced by other pion emitters.  I am guessing that these would not emit pions in the same way, would this make a difference to the solenoid channel and bending chicane optimum design?  Or are these fairly insensitive to the pion input?
That was a question I was asked at the accelerator group meeting, and is something that could well be the subject of a future optimisation, because I haven't found out yet (need to get a target physicist to find me another dataset).  Note that the "ferris wheel" of rods wouldn't be any different to the distribution used now, but other things like the liquid mercury target certainly could be.  Another thing that will change the distribution is the energy of the incident proton beam, which is more likely to be 8GeV than 2.2GeV in the RAL setup.

HB Pencils, also sold as "Moron's Choice" Graphite Cigars.
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