stephenbrooks.orgMuon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator DesignUser Results
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User Results

This project is not currently active.  The back-end is still running (for now) for hobbyists and people interested in running the software, but it is not working on anything significant.
NB: the main write-up of the project and its results is in Chapters 7 and 8 of my thesis.

If you find you are listed twice in this list under slightly different names, please make a post in the Muon1 project forum stating which two names these are and which one you would prefer to use.  Then change your 'user.txt' file to contain exactly the name in this list, or duplicates will appear again.

If you want a banner image containing your current personal scores, the image URL is of the form

Want to generate your own team stats?  The tab-separated file is a simple version where the different optimisations and versions have been added together.  It also omits Boinc Wrapper/yoyo@home results as these scores appear in the BOINC system.  Full Muon1 stats information is contained in

[Graph of * progress][* progress in last week]
All Optimisations Tab-separated stats list [updated 2020-Mar-23; 23:09 UTC]
All team stats   FOMs
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#UsernameMpts ^Hours since last active
1. [AMD Users]vaughan0.0 (0)Unset
2. Administrator 32673 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
3. Administrator 31850 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
4. Administrator 31851 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
5. Administrator 31889 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
6. Administrator 32069 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
7. Administrator 32213 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
8. Administrator 32232 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
9. Administrator 32238 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
10. Administrator 32334 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
11. Administrator 32573 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
12. Administrator 32788 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
13. Administrator 31760 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
14. Administrator 32896 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
15. Administrator 32990 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
16. Administrator 33018 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
17. Administrator 33465 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
18. Administrator 33810 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
19. Administrator 33873 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
20. Administrator 34014 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
21. Administrator 34025 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
22. Administrator 34090 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
23. Administrator 31778 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
24. Administrator 31753 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
25. Administrator 34466 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
26. Administrator 30546 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
27. Administrator 29950 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
28. Administrator 30052 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
29. Administrator 30053 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
30. Administrator 30187 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
31. Administrator 30308 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
32. Administrator 30317 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
33. Administrator 30341 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
34. Administrator 30531 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
35. Administrator 30542 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
36. Administrator 30604 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
37. Administrator 31526 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
38. Administrator 30809 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
39. Administrator 31195 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
40. Administrator 31231 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
41. Administrator 31260 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
42. Administrator 31323 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
43. Administrator 31340 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
44. Administrator 31369 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
45. Administrator 31461 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
46. Administrator 31483 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
47. Administrator 34235 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
48. Administrator 34504 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
49. Administrator 29845 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
50. Aker23 29208 (Boinc Wrapper)0.0 (0)Unset
12414 of 12414 users active  0.0    

[Linac900Ext8Xc3 Mpts vs. yield plot][Graph of Linac900Ext8Xc3 progress][Linac900Ext8Xc3 progress in last week]
Linac900Ext8Xc3 Tab-separated stats list [updated 2020-Mar-23; 23:09 UTC]
Show users active in last day, week, month, quarter, year, or ever.
#Usernamev4.4 resultsMptsBest muon percentage ^Hours since last active
1. [TA]Silverthorne54860137`306523.6 (3.10%)4.0824793w 4d 6
13. [AMD Users]bwhite48289127`585653.8 (2.88%)4.0697851d 13
52. André de Graaf8992`675290.9 (0.0604%)4.0502943w 1d 6
60. Sho Kobayashi314922319.5 (0.0208%)4.0447091w 6d 23
4 of 4708 users active  1`943402  4430`135334.8 (6.99%)  4.082479  1d 13  

[Linac900Ext4Xc2 Mpts vs. yield plot][Graph of Linac900Ext4Xc2 progress][Linac900Ext4Xc2 progress in last week]
Linac900Ext4Xc2 Tab-separated stats list [updated 2020-Mar-23; 23:09 UTC]
Show users active in last day, week, month, quarter, year, or ever.
#Usernamev4.4 resultsMptsBest muon percentage ^Hours since last active
1. [AMD Users]bwhite48394136`057426.5 (2.27%)4.3473271d 13
3. [TA]Silverthorne60612167`291134.7 (2.79%)4.3457463w 4d 6
6. André de Graaf8962`522868.6 (0.0421%)4.3376703w 1d 6
19. Sho Kobayashi294967942.2 (0.0161%)4.3094021w 6d 23
4 of 5174 users active  2`072864  5994`795136.6 (9.46%)  4.347327  1d 13  

Old optimisations: v4.2 ChicaneLinacA B 90 DecayRot A B Linac88MHz900MeV1 6 900Ext10d2 _axial3 zoom tc2 td2 Xc2 _nosample 5Xc2 6d2 tc2 X c2 _nosample 7d2 tc2 Xc2 8d2 Xc2 9d2 X c2 NoGaps1 Removable1 12 3 6 c2 8c2 PhaseRotA B C C_bigS1 D DD Eb1 a 6 60 a by5 a Linac1 6 SolenoidsOnly To15cm

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