I am currently (2013) working with the Collider-Accelerator Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory. As well as wherever else they may be published, I am putting a copy of all my reports for work up here on the web.
Type | № | Title | Date | Notes |
Lecture | 2024-10 | VFFA Optics and Magnets (.pptx, 33.8 MB) | September 2024 | Tutorial given at the FFA 2024 School |
Talk | 2024-9 | Permanent Magnets for a Fixed Tune Proton Therapy FFA (.pptx, 3.87 MB) | September 2024 | Talk given at FFA 2024 |
Talk | 2024-8 | Permanent Magnets for the Return Loop of CBETA (.pptx, 35.4 MB) | September 2024 | Talk given at ESSRI 2024 |
Conference Poster | 2024-7 | Extraction of Coulomb Crystals with Limited Emittance Growth (.pdf, 2.08 MB) / View as image | May 2024 | Poster presented at IPAC'24 |
Conference Poster | 2024-6 | Optimisation of a Permanent Magnet Multi-Energy FFA Arc for the CEBAF Energy Upgrade (.pdf, 1.91 MB) / View as image | May 2024 | Poster presented at IPAC'24 |
Conference Paper | 2024-2 | Optimisation of a Permanent Magnet Multi-Energy FFA Arc for the CEBAF Energy Upgrade (.pdf, 1.11 MB) | May 2024 | Paper presented at IPAC'24 |
Conference Paper | 2024-1 | Extraction of Coulomb Crystals with Limited Emittance Growth (.pdf, 1.62 MB) | May 2024 | Paper presented at IPAC'24 |
Research Note | 2024-5 | Benchmark Midplane Field for Medical FFA (.pdf, 689 KB) | April 2024 | Defines the (midplane) magnetic field for a fixed-tune non-scaling FFA cell |
Research Note | 2024-4 | Effective Strength of Sinusoidally-Varying Focussing (.pdf, 205 KB) | April 2024 | Needed for the ion trap RF focussing, may be standard or applicable elsewhere? |
Seminar | 2024-3 | Ultra Low Emittance Beams in Ion Traps and Lab Visits in Japan (.pptx, 201 MB) | February 2024 | Seminar given at BNL Collider-Accelerator Department |
Conference Paper | 2023-12 | Ultra-low Emittance Bunches from Laser Cooled Ion Traps for Intense Focal Points (.pdf, 1.21 MB) | October 2023 | Paper presented at HB2023 |
Conference Talk | 2023-5 | Ultra-low Emittance Bunches from Laser Cooled Ion Traps for Intense Focal Points (.pptx, 165 MB) | October 2023 | Invited talk given at HB2023 |
Seminar | 2023-11 | Fixed-Field Accelerators with Fixed Tunes... AND good Magnetic Efficiency (.pptx, 6.59 MB) | September 2023 | Seminar given at RAL ISIS accelerator group. Combination of topics from FFA'22 and '23 with four slides from Dejan Trbojevic |
Talk | 2023-10 | Permanent Magnet and Electromagnet Designs for Nonlinear FFA Fields (.pptx, 5.69 MB) | September 2023 | Talk given at FFA 2023 |
Proposal | 2023-8 | Ion trap test stand and laser cooling studies of ultra-low emittance bunches for high luminosity (.pdf, 1.70 MB) | July 2023 | Lab-directed R&D $400k over 2 years |
Research Note | 2023-7 | Higher-Order Corrections to Optimisers based on Newton's Method (.pdf, 679 KB) | July 2023 | Speeds up Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm too |
Research Note | 2023-6 | Integrals of Polynomial Functions over Spheres and Balls (.pdf, 208 KB) | June 2023 | Standard stuff but I wanted to write it up; useful for integrals over ellipsoidal beams etc. |
Conference Poster | 2023-4 | Non-Scaling Fixed-Field Proton Accelerator with Constant Tunes (.pdf, 2.04 MB) / View as image | May 2023 | Poster Presented at IPAC'23 |
Conference Poster | 2023-3 | Open-Midplane Gradient Permanent Magnet with 1.53T Peak Field (.pdf, 2.18 MB) / View as image | May 2023 | Poster Presented at IPAC'23 |
Conference Paper | 2023-2 | Non-Scaling Fixed-Field Proton Accelerator with Constant Tunes (.pdf, 736 KB) | May 2023 | Paper presented at IPAC'23 |
Conference Paper | 2023-1 | Open-Midplane Gradient Permanent Magnet with 1.53T Peak Field (.pdf, 1.70 MB) | May 2023 | Paper presented at IPAC'23 |
Proposal | 2023-9 | Ultra-low Emittance Beams from Ion Traps for High Precision Collisions (.pdf, 1.90 MB) | March 2023 | This was not funded but this year's LDRD on the same topic was |
Conference Talk | 2022-5 | CBETA Multi-Turn Studies and Various Beam Dynamics Issues (.pptx, 18.6 MB) | October 2022 | Invited talk given at ERL 2022 (the FFA 2020 talk again with a few slides from Kirsten Deitrick) |
Talk | 2022-4 | Fixed-Tune Non-Scaling FFAs (.pptx, 3.48 MB) | September 2022 | Talk given at FFA 2022 |
Conference Poster | 2022-2 | Poster Presented at IPAC'22 (.pdf, 1.71 MB) | June 2022 | |
Conference Paper | 2022-1 | Permanent Magnets for the CEBAF 24GeV Upgrade (.pdf, 770 KB) | June 2022 | Paper presented at IPAC'22 |
Research Note | 2022-3 | Paraxial, Thin-Lens Analysis of Fixed-Tune, Non-Scaling FFAs with Two Magnets per Cell (.pdf, 199 KB) | May 2022 | Updated 2022-May-06 to reference straight scaling FFA case |
Research Note | 2021-6 | Integrated Fields of Permanent Magnet Dipole Trims (.pdf, 114 KB) | October 2021 | An easy empirical method for calculating the integrated field of permanent magnet dipole trims |
Talk ▶ | 2021-5 | CEBAF 20GeV FFA Upgrade (.pptx, 7.35 MB) | September 2021 | Talk given at FFA 2021 |
Conference Talk ▶ | 2021-4 | Modified Halbach Magnets for Emerging Accelerator Applications (.pptx, 10.6 MB) | May 2021 | Talk given at IPAC'21 |
Conference Paper | 2021-2 | Modified Halbach Magnets for Emerging Accelerator Applications (.pdf, 644 KB) | May 2021 | Paper presented at IPAC'21 |
Proposal | 2021-7 | High-Gradient Permanent Magnets for Emerging Accelerator Applications (.pdf, 1.04 MB) | April 2021 | Lab-directed R&D $400k over 2 years |
Talk ▶ | 2021-3 | Enhanced Field Quality Halbach Magnets for Particle Accelerators (.pptx, 26.7 MB) | April 2021 | Talk given at IET workshop on Simulations in Particle Accelerators |
Seminar | 2021-1 | Permanent Magnets for Emerging Accelerator Applications (.pptx, 23.1 MB) | January 2021 | Joint DESY and University of Hamburg Accelerator Physics Seminar |
Research Note | 2020-9 | The Connection of Adiabaticity to the Fourier Transform (.pdf, 136 KB) | December 2020 | Derivation of adiabatic transitions acting on a simple harmonic oscillator (standard stuff) |
Talk ▶ | 2020-7 | Various Studies at the CBETA 4-Turn FFA ERL (.pptx, 17.8 MB) | December 2020 | Talk given at FFA 2020 |
Journal Paper | 2020-8 | Permanent magnets for the return loop of the Cornell-Brookhaven energy recovery linac test accelerator (.pdf, 2.56 MB) | November 2020 | |
Research Note | 2020-6 | Integrals of Distorted Gaussian Functions (.pdf, 138 KB) | May 2020 | Formulas a by-product of note 2020-5 but never used, may be related to 2017-5 also |
Research Note | 2020-5 | Smoothed Retarded Potentials and Fields (.pdf, 252 KB) | May 2020 | Liénard–Wiechert potential with a smoothing term |
Research Note | 2020-4 | FETS-VFFA Cell using Contour-Based Magnets (.pdf, 378 KB) | February 2020 | Very minor error (Z' is convolved with atan, not Z) corrected 2020-Feb-28 |
Research Note | 2020-3 | Magnetic Potential of a Finite Wire (.pdf, 187 KB) | January 2020 | Compare note 2011-7, scalar potential has a closed form but messy, useful for current-dominated 3D magnet design |
Talk | 2019-10 | CBETA: a 4-pass superconducting ERL with permanent FFA magnet return arc (.pptx, 25.7 MB) | November 2019 | Given at FFA'19 Meeting, PSI; updated version of EIC talk |
Talk | 2019-9 | Permanent Magnet VFFA for 18GeV Electron Acceleration (.pptx, 20.3 MB) | November 2019 | Talk given at FFA 2019 |
Talk | 2019-8 | CBETA: a 4-pass superconducting ERL with combined permanent magnet return arc (.pptx, 24.4 MB) | October 2019 | Given at EIC Meeting, ANL; slightly updated copy of Boston talk |
Talk | 2019-6 | CBETA: a 4-pass superconducting ERL with combined permanent magnet return arc (.pptx, 14.8 MB) | August 2019 | Talk given at DPF2019, Boston |
Research Note | 2019-7 | Magnetic Field of a Winding Sheet defined by a Contour Function (.pdf, 174 KB) | July 2019 | Possible method for designing windings for superconducting VFFA magnets (updated September 2019) |
Conference Poster | 2019-4 | Poster Presented at IPAC'19 (.pdf, 2.53 MB) | May 2019 | |
Conference Paper | 2019-1 | CBETA Permanent Magnet Production Run (.pdf, 2.34 MB) | May 2019 | Paper presented at IPAC'19, co-authors: G. Mahler, J. Tuozzolo, R. Michnoff |
Research Note | 2019-3 | Integrated Field of a Finite Wire (.pdf, 141 KB) | January 2019 | Standard stuff, useful formula for current-dominated 3D magnet design |
Seminar | 2019-2 | Permanent Magnet Accelerator Arcs with Linear Fields (.pptx, 48.9 MB) | January 2019 | Seminar at the John Adams Institute, Oxford |
Talk | 2018-4 | CBETA Magnet Production (.pptx, 9.98 MB) | September 2018 | Talk given at FFA 2018 |
Conference Paper | 2018-2 | Potential and Issues for Future Accelerators and Ultimate Colliders (.pdf, 1.33 MB) | May 2018 | Paper presented at IPAC'18 |
Conference Talk | 2018-1 | Potential and Issues for Future Accelerators and Ultimate Colliders (.pptx, 7.26 MB) | May 2018 | Invited talk given at IPAC'18 |
Research Note | 2017-6 | Magnetic Field from an Infinite Array of Wires (.pdf, 148 KB) | September 2017 | Useful for parallel iron mirror planes |
Talk | 2017-3 | Test of Linear-Field Non-Scaling FFAG Arc with a Wide Energy Range (.pptx, 28.7 MB) | September 2017 | Talk given at FFAG 2017 |
Research Note | 2017-5 | (Draft) Wave Equations with the Exponential of a Quadratic as a Solution (.pdf, 307 KB) | August 2017 | |
Research Note | 2017-4 | (Draft) Optical Function Evolution in Generalised FFAG Transfer Lines (.pdf, 168 KB) | July 2017 | Mainly standard optics formulae, plus definition of problem to be optimised |
Conference Poster | 2017-2 | Poster Presented at IPAC'17 (.pdf, 1.22 MB) | May 2017 | |
Conference Paper | 2017-1 | Production of Low Cost, High Field Quality Halbach Magnets (.pdf, 716 KB) | May 2017 | Paper presented at IPAC'17 |
Talk | 2016-4 | View on Future Accelerators/Concepts (.pptx, 3.89 MB) | December 2016 | Talk given at F3iA 2016, about future directions of accelerators beyond 2050 |
Research Note | 2016-3 | Analytic Formulae for Fields in Windowframe Magnets (.pdf, 136 KB) | November 2016 | Well-known but I wanted to write it down for later |
Proposal | 2016-2 | Test of a Large Energy Acceptance NS-FFAG Arc at the ATF (.pdf, 1.72 MB) | September 2016 | |
Talk | 2016-1 | Generalised Halbach Magnets for a Non-Scaling FFAG Arc (.pptx, 3.30 MB) | September 2016 | Talk given at FFAG 2016 |
Machine Note | 2015-5 | Decision on the number of turns in the eRHIC Nov'15 design (.pdf, 304 KB) | December 2015 | Results of eRHIC design discussions |
Talk | 2015-4 | FFAG Designs for eRHIC and Cβ Return Loops (.pptx, 27.5 MB) | November 2015 | Talk given at November 2015 eRHIC R&D Review |
Conference Talk | 2015-2 | eRHIC: an Efficient Multi-Pass ERL based on FFAG Return Arcs (.pdf, 2.97 MB) | June 2015 | Invited talk given at ERL 2015 |
Conference Paper | 2015-1 | ERL with Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Lattice for eRHIC (.pdf, 755 KB) | May 2015 | Dejan Trbojevic's paper at IPAC'15, coauthored and presented by me |
Research Note | 2015-3 | Bounded Approximate Solutions of Linear Systems using SVD (.pdf, 183 KB) | April 2015 | Probably well-known but I wanted to go through the derivation; updated 2023-Mar-06 with identity with the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm; updated 2023-Dec-18 with maximising a scalar quadratic |
Proposal | 2014-9 | Electron Model of a Three-Dimensional Relativistic Cyclotron (.pdf, 4.35 MB) | November 2014 | |
Talk | 2014-8 | Cornell ERL-FFAG Lattice (.pdf, 2.07 MB) | September 2014 | Talk given at FFAG'14 |
Talk | 2014-7 | eRHIC FFAG Lattice Design (.pdf, 4.30 MB) | September 2014 | Combination of EIC'14 slides with updates on 30T/m eRHIC cell |
Conference Poster | 2014-6 | FFAG Straight Sections and Bypasses in eRHIC (.pdf, 802 KB) | September 2014 | Poster Presented at FFAG'14 |
Conference Talk | 2014-4 | Vertical Orbit-Excursion FFAGs (VFFAGs) and 3D Cyclotrons (.ppt, 12.6 MB) | June 2014 | Invited talk given at IPAC'14 |
Conference Paper | 2014-3 | Vertical Orbit-excursion Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators (V-FFAGs) and 3D Cyclotrons (.pdf, 1.25 MB) | June 2014 | Paper presented at IPAC'14 |
Research Note | 2014-2 | Extrapolation of Magnetic Fields from a Curved Surface (.pdf, 273 KB) | May 2014 | UPDATE: 2014-Apr-28 fixed really subtle sign error; UPDATE: 2014-May-13 expanded to give more examples |
Talk | 2014-1 | FFAG Lattice Design of eRHIC and LHeC (.ppt, 4.92 MB) | March 2014 | Part of joint talk given at EIC'14 |
Journal Paper | 2013-6 | Vertical Orbit Excursion Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators (.pdf, 3.15 MB) | August 2013 | |
Research Note | 2013-10 | Off-Axis Magnetic Fields Extrapolated from On-Axis Multipoles (.pdf, 167 KB) | July 2013 | Includes computer implementation details for fast evaluation using precalculated fieldmaps |
Research Note | 2013-9 | Beam Distribution with e-x-like Tails (.pdf, 178 KB) | July 2013 | Includes particle weighting method for simulation of tail losses |
Conference Poster | 2013-8 | Poster Presented at IPAC'13 (.pdf, 3.65 MB) / View as image | May 2013 | |
Conference Paper | 2013-1 | Configurable Field Magnets for a Proton Beam Dynamics R&D Ring (.pdf, 1.07 MB) | May 2013 | Paper presented at IPAC'13 |
Seminar | 2013-7 | Vertical Orbit-Excursion FFAGs (VFFAGs) (.pdf, 7.91 MB) | April 2013 | Talk given at PASI'13 and as a seminar at Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Research Note | 2013-2 | Exact Tracking in s in a Magnetic Field (.pdf, 53 KB) | April 2013 | Exact (not paraxially approximated) particle dynamics including horizontal beamline curvature. IMPORTANT UPDATE: expressions for dx/ds, dy/ds added; old ones not correct |
Talk | 2013-5 | Status of MARS Simulations of ISIS Targets (.pdf, 1.80 MB) | February 2013 | |
Talk | 2013-4 | Blue Skies Magnets (.pdf, 1.03 MB) | February 2013 | Magnets required by VFFAGs and the proton omni-ring |
Research Note | 2013-3 | (Draft) Isochronous, Scaling VFFAGs Dominated by Strong Focussing (.pdf, 151 KB) | January 2013 | Lower bound on energies in isochronous VFFAGs under certain simplifying assumptions |
Conference Poster | 2012-7 | Poster Presented at HB2012 (.pdf, 2.56 MB) / View as image | September 2012 | |
Research Note | 2012-6 | Arbitrary Beams in Uniform Pipes (.pdf, 263 KB) | September 2012 | Exact Coulomb potentials for beam slices; derivation of space charge g factor using normal modes; longitudinal space charge formulae |
Conference Paper | 2012-5 | Acceleration in Vertical Orbit Excursion FFAGs with Edge Focussing (.pdf, 817 KB) | September 2012 | Paper presented at HB2012 |
Research Note | 2012-8 | Fields of Moving, Non-Accelerating Charges in the Present Time (.pdf, 131 KB) | August 2012 | Constant velocity approximation for 4D space charge |
Conference Poster | 2012-4 | Poster Presented at IPAC'12 (.pdf, 2.04 MB) / View as image | May 2012 | |
Talk | 2012-3 | ISIS Target Design Process Flowcharts (.ppt, 879 KB) | May 2012 | From PASI targets meeting; flowcharts in collaboration with David Jenkins |
Conference Paper | 2012-1 | Vertical Orbit Excursion FFAG Accelerators with Edge Focussing (.pdf, 577 KB) | May 2012 | Paper presented at IPAC'12 |
Research Note | 2012-2 | Exact Tracking in z in a Magnetic Field (.pdf, 136 KB) | April 2012 | Exact version of a formula that is commonly approximated paraxially |
Research Note | 2011-6 | Fringe Fields for VFFAG Magnets with Edge Angles (.pdf, 168 KB) | November 2011 | Corrected 2011-Nov-08 |
Research Note | 2011-7 | Magnet Field of a Finite Wire (.pdf, 119 KB) | October 2011 | Standard stuff, useful formula for current-dominated 3D magnet design |
Talk | 2011-5 | Talk Given at FFAG'11: Vertical Orbit Excursion FFAGs and Other Things (.pdf, 2.55 MB) | September 2011 | Compilation of previous work |
Conference Poster | 2011-4 | Poster Presented at IPAC'11 (.pdf, 1.39 MB) / View as image | September 2011 | |
Conference Paper | 2011-1 | Three-Lens Lattices for Extending the Energy Range of Non-scaling FFAGs (.pdf, 690 KB) | September 2011 | Paper presented at IPAC'11 |
Research Note | 2011-3 | Calculating Coupled Tunes from a 4D Transfer Matrix (.pdf, 147 KB) | August 2011 | |
Outreach | 2011-2 | Article on VFFAGs for ASTeC Annual Report 2010/11 (.doc, 860 KB) | June 2011 | |
Talk | 2010-7 | Talk on Tapered Pion Targets for the Neutrino Factory (.pdf, 452 KB) | November 2010 | Talk version of IPAC'10 paper and poster, given for UKNF meeting |
Proposal | 2010-8 | Test of a Vertical Orbit Excursion FFAG (VFFAG) using the EMMA Test Area (.zip, 885 KB) | October 2010 | Version 1.1 of the proposal |
Thesis | 2010-6 | Muon Capture Schemes for the Neutrino Factory (.pdf, 8.63 MB) | September 2010 | DPhil thesis submitted to Oxford particle physics sub-department |
Conference Poster | 2010-4 | Poster Presented at HB2010 (.pdf, 1.43 MB) / View as image | September 2010 | |
Conference Paper | 2010-3 | Vertical Orbit Excursion FFAGs (.pdf, 1.06 MB) | September 2010 | Paper presented at HB2010 |
Research Note | 2010-5 | (Draft) Fixing the Tune of Nonscaling FFAGs in the Thin Lens Paraxial Approximation (.pdf, 191 KB) | August 2010 | Maths dump showing the methodology I have developed for tune fixing |
Conference Poster | 2010-2 | Poster Presented at IPAC'10 (.pdf, 774 KB) / View as image | May 2010 | |
Conference Paper | 2010-1 | Optimising Pion Production Target Shapes for the Neutrino Factory (.pdf, 257 KB) | May 2010 | Paper presented at IPAC'10 |
Talk | 2009-7 | Talk on Alternative Upgrade Options involving VOX-FFAGs at the ISIS MW Upgrades Meeting (.pdf, 273 KB) | May 2009 | |
Conference Poster | 2009-6 | Poster Presented at PAC'09 (.pdf, 635 KB) / View as image | May 2009 | |
Conference Paper | 2009-2 | Extending the Energy Range of 50Hz Proton FFAGs (.pdf, 153 KB) | May 2009 | Paper presented at PAC'09 |
Outreach | 2009-5 | Poster presented at the John Adams Institute Review on the Neutrino Factory (.ppt, 1.02 MB) | February 2009 | |
Talk | 2009-4 | Talk on the Neutrino Factory given at RAL/DL Joint Accelerator Workshop (.pdf, 1.44 MB) | January 2009 | |
Talk | 2008-4 | Pion production data presented at the 2nd Oxford–Princeton High-Power Target Workshop (.zip, 396 KB) | November 2008 | Presented as three Excel files |
Conference Paper | 2008-3 | Simulations of pion production from water-cooled solid targets using MARS15 (.pdf, 277 KB) | September 2008 | NuFact'08 Conference Paper |
Talk | 2008-2 | Talk Given at UKNF Meeting on Combining HARP Experimental Data with Muon Transmission Estimates for the ISS Baseline (.ppt, 388 KB) | September 2008 | |
Research Note | 2008-5 | Notes on 2+1D Space Charge (.pdf, 47 KB) | April 2008 | Relation between 3D and 2+1D space charge force models, by approximating with a sum of separable charge distributions |
Conference Talk | 2008-1 | Talk Given at UKNF Meeting on Water-Cooled Targets (.ppt, 579 KB) | April 2008 | Also presented at NuFact'08 |
Research Note | 2007-3 | Comparison of HARP tantalum 5% interaction length data against simulations using MARS 15.07 | August 2007 | |
Outreach | 2007-2 | UKNF Conceptual Design Poster presented at the ASTeC Advisory Board Poster Session (.ppt, 6.03 MB) | February 2007 | "Links" were to other posters presented in the same session |
Talk | 2006-9 | Talk Given at Frascati BENE meeting: Lower-Frequency RF Phase Rotation (.ppt, 318 KB) | November 2006 | Includes Matthew McCullough's summer work |
Outreach | 2006-8 | Chapter written for Distributed Computing Projects book (.doc, 1.02 MB) | November 2006 | (Draft) |
Conference Talk | 2006-6 | Talk Given at NuFact'06: Lower-Frequency RF Phase Rotation Techniques for Both Muon Signs (.ppt, 467 KB) | August 2006 | You can also download the files for animation (under Windows) from the 'player' subdirectory |
Conference Poster | 2006-5 | Poster Presented at EPAC'06 (.ppt, 574 KB) / View as image | June 2006 | |
Conference Paper | 2006-1 | Secondary Particle Production and Capture for Muon Accelerator Applications (.pdf, 383 KB) | June 2006 | Paper presented at EPAC'06 |
Talk | 2006-4 | Target Yield Considerations Talk Given at RAL Scoping Study Meeting (.ppt, 4.24 MB) | April 2006 | |
Talk | 2006-2 | Talk Given at the John Adams Institute Advisory Board Meeting (.ppt, 766 KB) | February 2006 | A short summary talk, only 10-15 minutes long |
Research Note | 2006-3 | Monte Carlo Modelling of Many-Body Decays (.pdf, 145 KB) | January 2006 | Note describing the multi-particle decay algorithm in Muon1 version 4.43 and above |
Outreach | 2005-9 | Poster Presented at the 'SET for Britain' event at the House of Commons (.ppt, 4.70 MB) / View as image | November 2005 | Much expanded and updated form of the CERN50 poster section I did in September 2004 |
Talk | 2005-8 | Talk Given at CERN International Scoping Study meeting, Comparing Pion Production in MARS15 and GEANT4 (.ppt, 680 KB) | September 2005 | Similar talk again, some initial slides on pulse structure added for context |
Conference Paper | 2005-5 | Computed Pion Yields from a Tantalum Rod Target: Comparing MARS15 and GEANT4 Across Proton Energies (.pdf, 305 KB) | September 2005 | NuFact'05 Conference Paper |
Talk | 2005-7 | Talk Given at European Neutrino Group (ENG) meeting, Comparing Pion Production in MARS15 and GEANT4 (.ppt, 722 KB) | August 2005 | This is almost exactly the same as the NuFact'05 talk I gave; GEANT4 results thanks to Kenny Walaron |
Conference Talk | 2005-4 | Talk Presented at NuFact'05, Comparing Pion Production in MARS15 and GEANT4 (.ppt, 693 KB) | June 2005 | GEANT4 results thanks to Kenny Walaron |
Talk | 2005-3 | Talk on Target Pion Production Studies at Muon Week, CERN (.ppt, 436 KB) | March 2005 | |
Research Note | 2005-2 | Simulations of Pion Production in a Tantalum Rod Target using MARS15 | January 2005 | |
Talk | 2004-7 | Research Status Talk at Muon Week in DESY (.ppt, 397 KB) / Web version | November 2004 | |
Outreach | 2004-6 | Poster for the CERN50 UK technology transfer event (.ppt, 1.48 MB) / View as image | September 2004 | Collaborative poster: top section by Ken Long; middle section by myself; front-end test stand by David Findlay; target studies by Roger Bennett. |
Conference Poster | 2004-5 | Poster Presented at EPAC'04 (.ppt, 2.10 MB) / View as image | July 2004 | |
Outreach | 2004-4 | Article in PPARC's Frontiers magazine, about the Muon1 project | June 2004 | Original site is down so this is an HTML snapshot |
Conference Paper | 2004-2 | Quantitative Optimisation Studies of the Muon Front-End for a Neutrino Factory | June 2004 | Paper presented at EPAC'04 |
Talk | 2004-3 | Research Status Talk at UK Neutrino Factory Meeting (.ppt, 2.08 MB) / Web version | May 2004 | |
Talk | 2004-1 | General Research Talk at RAL/DL Joint Accelerator Workshop (.ppt, 1.41 MB) / Web version | April 2004 | |
Research Note | 2003-1 | Simulations of Neutrino Factory Muon Capture with Chicane (58 KB) | December 2003 | |
Talk | 2003-2 | Research Status Talk at ISIS Accelerator Division Meeting (.ppt, 1.18 MB) / Web version | November 2003 | |
Research Note | 2002-1 | Simulations of Neutrino Factory Muon Capture with Chicane | June 2002 |
Peer-reviewed papers in which I appear as part of a collaboration are below:
- Lifetime and strength tests of tantalum and tungsten under thermal shock for a Neutrino Factory target, J.R.J. Bennett et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 646 (1) pp.1–6 (2011)
- Thermal shock measurements and modelling for solid high-power targets at high temperatures, J.R.J. Bennett et al., J. Nucl. Mater. 377 (1) pp.285–289 (2008)
- Muon front-end chicane and acceleration, G.H. Rees et al., J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 29 pp.1673–1677 (2003)
See also my ORCID iD.